Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 1141 The Aggrieved Little 7

Chapter 1141 The Aggrieved Little Seven

For Xiao Qi in the family, everyone in the family is pampering him. Even if his parents are gone, Han Jing doesn't want to wrong his younger brother.

If Xiao Qi could settle down soon, the rock in his heart would be considered to have landed.

Thinking of this order, Han Jing expressed the plan in his heart,

"Parents passed away, Xiao Qi's will fall on us. Although it is a bit early for Xiao Qi to marry the successor princess, the queen can worry about it and observe first, and find a virtuous and noble daughter for Xiao Qi. He is the only one in the Prince's Mansion. Man, after all, it's too lonely."

"You're right, you really need to investigate in advance to find one that is pleasing to the eye, and Xiao Qi also likes it."

Bai Ningxiang refilled Han Jing's tea, but she didn't object.
"But don't rush this matter. Xiaoqi and sister Qing have been in love for many years. We can't let go of it for a while. We can't do bad things with good intentions. And what about Yang Han, we can't make him feel uncomfortable."

How much Yang Han loved Sister Qing was obvious to all.

Although the deceased has passed away, but too anxious, it makes people feel that the tea is too cold.

"It's fine for the Queen to worry about Xiao Qi's affairs. I just feel sorry for Xiao Qi. Don't look at him always pretending to be fine. After all, the changes at home have affected his character. After a long time, I'm afraid of getting sick."

The eldest brother is like a father, so he was afraid of delaying Xiaoqi.

"Xiao Qi has been mischievous since he was a child, playful and proud, but everyone in his family knows that he is an extremely intelligent child... even a little precocious. Many years ago, he got into trouble outside and broke the leg of Queen Sun's nephew. In front of Yin Yi, Xiaoqi will definitely lose a leg, otherwise he will never give up."

"It's also a coincidence that the incident happened just as my father returned in triumph. In order to appease the incident, my father chose to offset his merits and demerits. After he returned from the palace, his father punished him by facing the wall of the ancestral hall to reflect on his mistakes and accept the family law."

"Xiao Qi refused to accept it, so he yelled, saying that everyone in the Han family can't become a talent, it is reasonable to have a dude, otherwise father and elder brother have been making great achievements, and when there is nothing to seal, do you still want the master to sit on an equal footing?" ?”

"When we heard Xiao Qi's words, we were all shocked. Xiao Qi was only ten years old at the time, how could he say such profound words? Although the children of the aristocratic family have been educated since childhood and are sensible early, but the secrets of the court are related to ordinary children. Still can't figure it out."

"At that time we all thought he knew someone and someone gave him advice. But no matter how much we asked, he just didn't say anything. However, since then, we don't treat him like a child and let him participate in everything. .”

"If the family makes any moves, he will also let him know. No matter if there is someone behind Xiao Qi who advises him, since the other party has no malicious intentions and just doesn't want to show his face, we naturally can't force others to make things difficult."

"In the next few years, Xiao Qi's minor misfortunes never stopped, major misfortunes came every two or three years. His father's position also dropped from the position of first-rank Taiwei, one of the three princes, to the rank of first-rank Guard Banner General. To the second-rank general of Fuguo."

"Because of Xiaoqi's stubbornness, his father's position has been demoted again and again, which became a joke in the Qingdu clan circle. It is said that the military general's family style is not strict, and he will not teach his children and grandchildren, so he is very disdainful by those civil servants."

Even those children that Xiao Qi befriended were mostly military generals, and they were a bunch of little overlords, which really affected the reputation of the generals' family.

Han Jing shook her head helplessly, and reached out to hold Bai Ningxiang's hand.

"Perhaps because of Xiao Qi's stubbornness, Yin Yi had to endure the Han family for these years...but after all, he still couldn't escape the catastrophe."

"Recently, I've been thinking that a ten-year-old Xiaoqi is so smart, and in the blink of an eye he's already 22 years old."

"The Han family has come to this point, there should be no threat. Xiao Qi is honest and behaves well. Although he looks good, I don't know if the current Xiao Qi is his nature?"

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

It turned out that there were so many things she didn't know about, no wonder Han Jing was worried.

"The emperor is worried that Xiao Qi will go to extremes?"

"I'm not afraid, but I'm afraid that kid put too much thought in his heart and overwhelmed himself. It is said that elder brother is like father and elder sister-in-law is like mother. We have to prepare in advance. When the family gets lively, he won't Think too much."

Bai Ningxiang nodded, Han Jing didn't say anything, she really didn't know that the proud peacock was just Xiao Qi's mask.

It has to be said that the sons of the family are the sons of the family, and each of them has several faces, which can be switched freely.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I know what's on your mind, won't there be a palace banquet today? From now on, I will pay attention to it, and I will always choose a suitable successor for Xiao Qi."

As for Yang Han, she will chat with Yang Han next year, as long as the time is not too close, he will not interfere too much with Xiaoqi's marriage.

After all, Xiao Qi is still young, so it is impossible to be alone all the time.

The wind blows, mixed with pieces of snowflakes, quietly falling in the corridor, with a hint of cold plum fragrance, refreshing.

"In the past, my mother liked Samuume the most. Although my father was careless, he would always surprise my mother with some new varieties to please her."

Han Jing moved her nose, looking at the branches in the yard that were bent by the snowflakes, the blossoming plums were a little red in the snow, and she missed it more and more.

"I often work in the military camp, and I don't know much about men and women. I always feel that my father is not good enough for my mother, making the backyard a mess. If it wasn't for the lack of ethics, I would like to beat up my father's concubines and throw them out of the house." Relieve."

"Later, I gradually discovered that everyone in the family was protecting each other in their own way, secretly protecting the person they wanted to protect. Xiaoqi is, father is, and mother is also."

Bai Ningxiang held Han Jing's hand and patted it gently,
"Fortunately, it's all over, and we will do the same in the future, protecting each other, including our children."

"The queen is right, people have to look forward."

The two looked at each other and smiled, watching the snowflakes fluttering and the plum blossoms in full bloom, drinking warm tea, this kind of peaceful time has not passed for a long time.

This year, they have been busy, fearful, get together less and leave more, although they finally see a rainbow after the storm, but they still have regrets in their hearts.

Fortunately, none of them are entangled people. As long as they live, they must always look forward.

In his position to seek his own government,

The identity has changed, and the responsibilities on the shoulders have become heavier.

The whole afternoon was spent in this way.

As soon as Youshi arrived, Bai Ningxiang received a report from the palace servants, saying that the wives had already started entering the palace.

"The queen has something to do, so I'll go ahead and pick you up when the banquet starts."

The family members of low-ranking officials went directly to Xuande Palace to wait.After entering the palace, high-ranking wives need to visit the queen. They are all female relatives, so it is not appropriate for him to stay.

(End of this chapter)

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