Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 1166 Another Coincidence

Chapter 1166 Another Coincidence
Just when he was distracted, a gust of cold air rushed towards his face. He felt a chill in his heart, and immediately fell back, narrowly avoiding the fatal blow.

Immediately afterwards, a plop was heard, and the man in black who pounced just now had been kicked away by Han Jing.

"Bai Xingyu, concentrate."

Han Jing withdrew his feet and roared at Bai Xingyu, "This is a battlefield, either he dies or you die, there is still time for you to dream?"

"Thank you brother-in-law."

Bai Xingyu's face turned embarrassing, he adjusted his mood, and rushed up again. Just now, he walked around at the critical moment and made his hairs stand on his head.

When he joined the battle again, he didn't dare to be distracted at all, and tried his best to circle among the men in black, looking for flaws, trying to hit him with one blow.

The scene just now almost cost Bai Ningxiang half her life, but her heart is still pounding until now.

"Master, don't worry, you'll be fine with the young master's care. Just now, I saw the danger. If you want to practice your on-the-spot response, you have to know how to adapt when you are in danger. The combat experience is obtained from actual combat."

Ding Yang looked at Bai Xingyu's figure and technique, and he was much calmer than before.

"I know what you said, but I still can't help worrying." Bai Ningxiang smiled wryly, if she could, she would rather rush up by herself, and she didn't want Brother Xing to be surprised.

But what Ding Yang said is correct, actual combat is the best way to train people, and it is naturally best to be able to exercise when someone is guarding them.

After all, it is impossible for me to protect him all the time. The bird's wings are plump and it has to fly by itself.

After Bai Xingyu put all his strength and Qi Huai's intentional protection, the fight was normal, but when Han Jue followed suit, it became much more tragic.

Even if Bai Ningxiang didn't know martial arts, she could still find that the most capable people who intercepted them were in the front, and the latter were obviously not as powerful as the front.

Even so, Bai Ningxiang also knew that this group of people was doomed to come and go.

Feng Yi and a few guards alone can stop them from moving forward, let alone those hidden guards who are hiding in the dark and have not yet made a move.

The only thing she doubts now is the origin of this group of people. For now, let alone she can't remember who they are, Han Jing is probably similar to her.

At this moment, there was only a popping sound, the sound of a sword piercing into flesh.

Follow the voice and look over,
Under the night, only Han Jue's soft sword was shining with cold light. Dark blood flowed down the soft sword to the tip of the sword and dripped to the ground. There was a smell of blood in the air, which looked a little weird.

Bai Ningxiang subconsciously covered the eyes of the two children, for fear of scaring them and having nightmares at night.

The man in black stared at Han Jue in disbelief, covered his heart, and fell down slowly.

Han Jue glanced at the guy who had died so desperately, his eyes flashed with annoyance, and he clearly said that he would stay alive.

Once the leading man in black died, the rest of the people lost their backbone, and they were harvested by Feng Yi and the others in less than a cup of tea.


Glancing at the few people lying on the ground, Han Jing kicked the leader, with a regretful tone,
"Why did you die?"

Hearing Brother Huang's tone, Han Jue frowned, "I originally wanted to keep alive, but I was in a hurry, so I confiscated it for a while and stopped..."

"Forget it, let's die."

Han Jing didn't mean to blame him, but he just didn't have a clue.

"Fifth brother, can't you guess the person behind it?"

Han Jue looked at Fifth Brother frowning slightly, and couldn't help kicking the man in black twice.

"I can't think of it for the time being. The clans in Kyoto are masters who follow the wind. Since they can open the city gate, they must have accepted the fact that the Han family is the emperor. There is no need to wait until now."

"As for the Yin clan, they are currently imprisoned in another courtyard, guarded by our people, and I will know if they move a little bit. It's a pity that the Yin clan are mediocre people. They have been well-behaved these days when they were locked up. No outsiders have ever been contacted."

"Therefore, even if there are remnants of the Yin clan, they will have no leader, and they will not be able to hurt us."

As Han Jing said, he paced around in the alley, watched the wind gather everyone together, searched all over his body, but found nothing.

Listening to Fifth Brother's analysis, Xiao Qi also looked confused, "The enemy is unknown, isn't it very dangerous?"

Han Jing nodded, "Be careful in the future, I will let Feng Er investigate thoroughly as soon as possible..."

Having said that, Han Jing suddenly raised his head and looked at the roof on the left, his eyes were sharp and cold,
"Who is sneaking around?" He was careless, and he didn't realize that there were other people lurking around.

"'s me, just passing by, to watch the fun."

While speaking, Fei Ran in white fell to the ground lightly, looked at the men in black piled up in front of him, and clicked his tongue.

"Hey, let's just say it first. These people have nothing to do with me. I just passed by and found that there was a fight here. Come and watch the excitement."

Feiran said, with a embarrassed expression, "Ahem... I didn't expect it to be you, but seeing how easy you are, I didn't make a move. It was a good show."

Han Jing: "..."

What a similar scene.

Han Jue didn't have a good impression of Feiran, he felt that this man was too flamboyant, wearing white at night, he looked like a hanged ghost.

"Sitting on the roof in the middle of the night watching the murder, you have a big heart."

"Haha, Seventh Prince, I'm a very broad-minded person, among other things." Fei Ran was not angry when Xiao Qi yelled at her, but still smiled.

It wasn't until his eyes fell on Bai Ningxiang that he restrained his smile, "It's really none of my business, the people in the Yanzimen are all sent by that kid Zuo Ben, if you don't believe me, just ask him and he will know."

Bai Ningxiang has saved Zuo Ben's life, no matter what she asks, Zuo Ben will not hide it.

Bai Ningxiang thought for a while, but she didn't doubt Feiran's words, but it was not easy for her to trust her completely. After all, it was too coincidental that he appeared at the scene of the crime.

"Based on your experience in traveling the rivers and lakes, can you tell where these people come from?"

"These people look like professionally trained secret guards. Their moves are fierce, desperate, and emotionless. Otherwise, they wouldn't die so happily."

Feiran shook his folding fan, looked down, and recounted his thoughts.

After that, I couldn't help but ask Han Jing, "I'm right, right? He's a professionally trained slayer."

"We've already seen the dead man, why don't you say it?" The more Han Jue looked at this man, the more unhappy he was, shaking a folding fan in the cold, he couldn't believe that this man was really hot?
"Seventh Prince, I'm just trying to clear up Xiangxiang's confusion. I didn't tell you. If you don't want to hear it, you can close your ears. I have a good temper and I don't want to have grudges with others, but I don't want people to point at my nose and blame me." .”

(End of this chapter)

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