Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 1168 How can an enemy become a friend

Chapter 1168 How can an enemy become a friend
"Son? Haha... Yin Yi has such a capable dead man like you, why should he kill himself, isn't it good to lead you to fight back?"

Feiran looked at the man in black and laughed out loud, not hiding the sarcasm in his eyes.

Such a waste-like existence, yet he secretly kept his hands behind him. If that was the case, why did he go so early?
If I die, leave a group of idiots for him, what do you want to do, let him add trouble to Han Jing, or want him to overthrow Han Jing's dynasty and restore the Yin dynasty?
No matter what, it seems that it has nothing to do with me, right?

His name is Feiran, not Yin.

"The young master doesn't know something. Before the master died, he told his subordinates that he will obey the young master's orders from now on. You are the only person the master trusts, and you are also the only person who has the ability to help the Yin family's foundation."

As the man in black said, he took out a black iron token from his pocket and presented it respectfully.

Feiran looked at the big order word on the dark black iron, and was silent for a long time before he couldn't help chuckling in a low voice,

"With someone as capable as you in Yin Yi's hands, why didn't he do it a long time ago, instead of taking advantage of me, an illegitimate child?"

"The subordinates dare not speculate on the master's mind, but the master once said that the young master is the wisest of all his sons. That's why before he died, he left the last instruction to the subordinates to find the young master and obey orders. "

After the man in black got excited, his dark eyes stared at Feiran seriously. The young master is very capable and can definitely lead them to a new world.

Hearing the compliment from the man in black, Feiran couldn't control it, raised his head and laughed, that kind of heartfelt laughter, no matter how you look at it, it's crazy.

"Heh~, the wisest son, why doesn't he say that I am the most shameful son?"

It's ridiculous, before he begged so humbly, he didn't see Yin Yi's compromise at all, instead he used his weakness to threaten him, now that he killed himself, he thought of his son instead.

But why?

Why is it that no one agrees when he needs it, and when he doesn't need it, another batch of stinky fish and rotten shrimps come out of no one knows which mouse hole and force them on him?

Why let yourself clean up the mess?
"You go, I'm not a young master, nor a new master. I'm Feiran, from Jianghu, the master of the Swallow Sect, and I have nothing to do with anyone."

When the man in black heard this, his eyes widened immediately, "Young master, you can't. The subordinates are willing to follow you, regardless of their status, the subordinates are willing to accept it."

The hundred and ten of them have been living in darkness, and now there is no leader in the group, and he doesn't know where to go.

After planning for a long time, he chose this time to strike Han Jing and let the young master know of their existence.

Only when the young master turns against Han Jing, can they conspire together for great things.

"I'll give you a chance to leave. If you don't want to, don't blame me for being rude."

As stupid as his master, he is quite courageous and dares to threaten him.

"What do you mean, young master?"

The man in black was puzzled, until he saw the murderous look in Fei Ran's eyes, he shuddered suddenly, "Young master, calm down, if you offend me today, I apologize."

Without waiting for Feiran to open his mouth, he directly raised his hand, and slapped his left shoulder with a palm, only to hear a click, the left shoulder bone cracked, and his left hand had already dropped unconsciously.

In less than three months, this arm may not be well maintained.

Seeing the cold sweat on the painful forehead of the man in black, raising his eyebrows, he looked at him quietly for a moment,
"What's your name?"

"The subordinates have no names, only the code name given by the former master, Gray Eagle."

"Grey Eagle, today I will give you a chance to live, take your people away, and never appear in front of my eyes, or the next time will be your death."

A cold and heartless voice sounded, Feiran looked at Gray Eagle's pale face, and smiled cruelly and recklessly.

Even if he was idle counting ants, he would not be so stupid as to lead such a wave of desperadoes to help some great cause.

He likes a leisurely and contented life, and it's okay to watch the excitement occasionally and do something, but the rest is out of the question.

Thinking of this, Feiran sneered, his body flashed, and disappeared into the night in an instant.

Gray Eagle was left alone on his knees, enjoying the cold wind.

Gray Eagle: "..."

Just now he clearly saw that the young master softened his heart, how could he suddenly change his mind?

"Captain, the young master doesn't want to accept us, what should we do?" While speaking, another black shadow appeared and stood beside Gray Eagle.

Gray Eagle supported his left shoulder, stood up with difficulty, looked at the direction where the young master disappeared with his deep and cold eyes,
"The young master has a weird temper, and he has a good friendship with Han Jing, so he definitely doesn't want to be an enemy."

"Then what should we do? The young master is good at martial arts, if you follow him, you will definitely achieve great things."

The men in black were a little anxious, they followed the young master to come here with great difficulty, wouldn't it be a pity if all their achievements were in vain?
"Don't worry, the young master will agree to accept us."

Gray Eagle pinched his left shoulder, his face twisted in pain, the corners of his mouth curled up into a smile that was not a smile, it was weird no matter how you looked at it.

"The captain has a solution?" The man in black's eyes lit up.

"Go back first, make arrangements for the brothers, and then make plans."

The Yin family and the Han family are at odds with each other, how could it be possible to turn hostility into friendship?

Between the young master and Han Jing, there is an inextricable hatred of killing his father, how could they become friends?

The more he thought about it, the brighter Gray Eagle's eyes became, startling the companions around him, the eyes were too weird.

The next day the court will end,
Han Jing came to Changchun Palace. It was too late last night, and they didn't mention the attack again.

Now that I have free time, I naturally have to arrange it well, so as not to cause trouble when I go out of the palace next time.

"Queen, don't worry. I've ordered Feng Er to investigate secretly. There should be news soon."

Han Jing took a sip of tea and looked unconsciously with her fingers on the table, "The law and order in Kyoto is not good. I have ordered the Gyeonggi Yamen to patrol more at night to prevent Xiaoxiao from appearing again and ensure the peace of the people in Kyoto."

"It's fine for the emperor to decide. Anyway, I will not leave the palace with the children. I have to let Xiao Qi and Brother Xing be careful, lest thieves jump over the wall in a hurry and find our troubles, but implicate innocent people."

Bai Ningxiang was fiddling with the tea set, the more she thought about it, the more worried she became. Early this morning, the crown prince came over and said that he was going out of the palace, so she tried to persuade her to calm her down.

If he still can't catch the man in black, Mo'er probably won't be able to stop him, and the child is still wondering whether he will hear or not.

"The target of the man in black is us, but we have to guard against it. I will instruct Feng Yi to send the guards of the feathers to live in the palace and uncle's mansion to take precautions in advance."

After Han Jing finished speaking, he directly asked Uncle Han to pass on the oral order, and asked Feng Yi to dispatch Habayashi Wei out of the palace.

With someone protecting her, Bai Ningxiang felt a lot more at ease, but she still couldn't figure out where the man in black who attacked last night came from?
"Your Majesty, do you have any doubts about Fei Ran?"

(End of this chapter)

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