Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 117 Zhao Xian, the 2nd Ancestor

Chapter 117 Zhao Xian, the Second Patriarch

The corners of Bai Ningxiang's lips twitched imperceptibly, as a tacit agreement.

Seeing the sincere expressions of the father and son, Bai Ningxiang blessed Fushen, "It's better to obey than to be respectful, thank you Uncle Zhao."

"And me? What's my name?" Zhao Xian stared at the girl in front of him, puffed out his chest, and waited for someone to call him brother.

Sure enough, the second generation ancestor is the second generation ancestor, still has a dog temper.

Bai Ningxiang looked at his upturned nostrils, pursed her lips and didn't want to speak. In her previous life and this life, she was already half the age of a young lady, and it was not worth fighting with a young man.

Just as the two of them were running around, shopkeeper Dong wiped his sweat and walked over.

"Master, Miss Bai, the weighing is over, the total is 960 catties. According to two taels of silver per catty, I need to pay you 920 taels."

Bai Ningxiang glanced at Bai Wu, nodded, "Thank you, except for the 20 taels of broken silver, all the rest need bank notes."

"No problem," Shopkeeper Dong got the permission of the owner, and turned around to withdraw money and bank notes.

After being interrupted by shopkeeper Dong, the question about the address just now was over.

Zhao Xian wanted to say something, but his father stared at him, so he shut up.

After a cup of tea, shopkeeper Dong packed the banknotes and 20 taels of scattered silver in a brown camphorwood box and delivered them over.

"Please take a look at Miss Bai."

Bai Ningxiang took the box, checked it, and nodded, "It's just right, thank you, Shopkeeper Dong."

By the way, put the red envelope in, and close the lid.

Patriarch Zhao was very satisfied with Shopkeeper Dong's thoughtfulness and care. Looking at the box in Bai Ningxiang's hand, he couldn't help but mention something.

"Sister Xiang, since ancient times, money has touched people's hearts. If you don't really need it at home, I suggest you store it directly in Yinzhuang and create an account for yourself. When you need it, you can withdraw it with your seal. It is convenient and safe, and it is safer than keeping it at home. "

"Thank you Uncle Zhao for reminding me, I'll be there in a while."

Patriarch Zhao is right, it is really inappropriate to put so much money at home.

She was sure that her grandmother, together with her second and third uncles, did not have as much money as she earned.

With the greed of those people, if they get wind of it, they might not know how to act like a demon.

"Girl, I know the shopkeeper of Huitong Bank, call me brother, I will give you a title, and you will have priority when withdrawing money in the future."

Zhao Xian raised his neck and spoke in a low voice, he couldn't believe it, sorry for a little girl.

Patriarch Zhao looked at his son's rascally appearance, was stunned for a moment, and cursed at random,
"You son of a bitch, you've lost all your shame. How can you force someone to call you brother? If you have the ability to make sister Xiang speak up voluntarily, what's the point of being a rascal?"

Seeing that Uncle Zhao poked her forehead slightly, Bai Ningxiang couldn't hold back her laughter.

Hurry up before Zhao Xian's black face, blessed the body, "Then I will thank Brother Zhao."

Zhao Xian: "..."

This promises?
Looking at Zhao Xian's surprised eyes, Bai Ningxiang smiled, "I heard that the honorary title of Huitong Yinzhuang is very precious. If you don't have enough savings, you are not qualified to do it. Now, thanks to Brother Zhao, I can also have the honorary title." , very happy."

Zhao Xian was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and pursed his mouth. He said that this girl has a strong mouth and teeth, and she won't compromise easily, so she didn't expect to wait here.

"...Stinky boy, don't be cheap and act good. Sister Xiang is joking with you. You can't see it. You are a fool. Why did I give birth to you as a second generation ancestor?"

(End of this chapter)

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