Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 1170 Farming is attacked

Chapter 1170 Farming is attacked

After the Yang family left, Bai Ningxiang was depressed for two days before returning to her normal life.

When the first month goes out, the time for spring plowing will come. The people in the world live by farming. In order to encourage the people and promote farming and mulberry, the emperor must personally demonstrate and show his importance.

From a political point of view, it is to consolidate the position and fill the granaries. If you control the land, you will control the world.From the point of view of the people, it is for the sake of the people of the world to live and work in peace and contentment, and to have enough food and clothing.

The emperor led all the officials to go to the fields to cultivate in person, which is a commendable thing for the common people.

Therefore, Si Tiantai counted the days early, and the emperor, together with the prince, took all the civil and military officials to the royal garden, took the lead in the field, and participated in the cultivation to show the emperor's favor.

Regarding this, Bai Ningxiang had nothing to say, since she, the queen, did not participate anyway.

It's a pity that before the emperor returned from farming, Habayashi Wei rushed back with the news that something happened to the royal garden and assassins entered.

"What? Assassin?" Bai Ningxiang turned pale, "Is anyone injured?"

"Back to the queen, the emperor and the prince are all fine, a few civil servants suffered a little skin trauma, but they are all fine, it's's Kang Pingbo..."

Habayashi Wei hesitated, lowered his head, not daring to speak.

"What's wrong with Kang Pingbo? Tell me quickly."

Bai Ningxiang firmly pressed the edge of the chair with one hand, her heart was pounding, and her face immediately lost all color.

"Stupid thing, hurry up and say it." Ding Yang stretched out his leg and kicked the man, the guy who has no eyesight, didn't he see how nervous the queen is?

"My lord, forgive me, Kang Pingbo was stabbed in the chest to save the prince." Habayashi Wei closed his eyes and said it all in one breath.

Brother Xing was injured, her younger brother was injured trying to save the prince?
When she heard the news, Bai Ningxiang's eyes darkened and she had difficulty breathing.

When Yun Ni saw it, she immediately held her master's hand, and firmly pressed the acupuncture point on the tiger's mouth.

"Where are the people who practice medicine? Has the imperial physician gone?"

Yun Ni glared at him, who sent this idiot back to report the news, the timid one couldn't even complete a sentence.

"The empress forgives the sin, the emperor has already sent a message to the imperial physician from the Shang Pharmacy to rush over."

"Ding Yang, prepare the car, I'm going to see brother Xing, he must be terrified, I'm going to accompany him."

Bai Ningxiang stabilized her mind, clasped her fingernails on her palms, and tried her best to stay awake.

At the critical moment, she must not panic, Brother Xing is still waiting for her to rescue him.

"Send all the imperial physicians who are Shangyao to this palace." Bai Ningxiang stood up, held Yun Ni's hand and rushed out.

"Mistress, don't worry, there will be a carriage at any time, the imperial doctor has already passed, and the maidservant has also gone to have a look. Uncle Guo will be fine."

Yun Ni glanced at Ding Yang, they watched Brother Xing grow up together, and no one wanted anything to happen to him.

When Bai Ningxiang rushed to the palace gate, she saw a group of people and horses speeding towards the palace.

The one who took the lead was Feng Yi, who galloped to the gate of the palace on horseback, got off his horse, and knelt down on one leg.

"Greetings to the empress, the emperor has brought Kang Pingbo back, the wound has been treated, and he needs to recuperate, the emperor is afraid that the empress will worry, so he drove back to the palace."

"How is Kang Pingbo's injury? Is it dangerous?" Bai Ningxiang looked at Feng Yi with anxious eyes.

"...The imperial physician said that Uncle Kang Ping lost a lot of blood and fell into a coma. There is no danger to his life and he needs to rest in bed."

Fortunately, the wound was a little bit off. If it wasn't for this, even the gods would be powerless to recover.

Listening to Feng Yi's reply, Bai Ningxiang pursed the corners of her lips, and only heard a sentence in her mind, there is no danger of life, as long as she can be saved, no matter how long she rests, as long as she is alive.

When Han Jing got off the car crown with a gloomy face, seeing Bai Ningxiang standing at the gate of the palace, guilt flashed in his eyes,
"It's my negligence that made the queen worry."

"Let's not talk about anything else, it's important to save people."

Bai Ningxiang held Han Jing's hand, looked at Han Mo with red eyes, squatted down, and rubbed his cheek.

"Don't be afraid, Mo'er, little uncle will be fine."

Along the way, Han Mo's face was tense, even if he cried, he didn't dare to make a sound, but now looking at his mother, all his emotions could not be restrained.


"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, with the imperial physician here, everything will be fine, as long as you have a good rest, after a while, little uncle will be able to play with you again."

The assassination on the Lantern Festival did not scare the crown prince, but the little uncle was injured in front of him, the child might not be able to bear it.

While comforting her son, Bai Ningxiang waited for the imperial doctor to treat Brother Xing's wound again, and after all the busy work was done, they poured the decoction again, and everyone tremblingly came over to report.

"Go back to your mother, the wound has stabilized for the time being, depending on the condition of my uncle Guo, I'm afraid it will be hot at night, and the servants will take turns to guard it, please rest assured, my mother."

"It's time to work, take good care of him. When Kang Pingbo recovers, I will reward you heavily."

Bai Ningxiang's heart finally eased a little, but she also knew that the imperial physician had tried her best.

After the imperial physician left, Bai Ningxiang placed the crown prince in a side hall to rest before turning to look at Han Jing.

"Does the emperor know who is so bold?"

"Looking at their methods, they should belong to the same group as the men in black who attacked last time."

Han Jing's face was dark, he didn't expect that the assassin would encounter an assassin on the first day, and it would be fine to come after him, even the children would not be spared.

If Kang Pingbo hadn't happened to be with the prince, the consequences would have been disastrous.

Listening to Han Jing's conjecture, Bai Ningxiang clenched her fists, "They are all a group of people. It seems that after they disappeared last time, they just waited for today, so that Brother Xing will suffer. Wait for them to be caught. Wanted to peel their skins.

"Queen, don't worry, I've ordered Feng Yi to search the whole city in the open, but Feng Er is in the dark, this time I will make it impossible for these people to escape, with nowhere to escape."

If you dare to provoke him, you have to pay a sufficient price.

In the next few days, Bai Ningxiang would stay by Brother Xing's side every day, and the slightest disturbance would scare her into a panic.

Brother Xing is her only biological brother, who is connected by blood to her mother's family. If there is something wrong with him, Bai Ningxiang feels that she will live in guilt for the rest of her life.

No one knew how important Brother Xing was to her. Even the emperor only knew that Brother Xing was her only biological brother, so he valued him.

But in her heart, the nightmare of the previous life has not been completely over, she always feels in her heart that she owes Brother Xing, and it is her persistence to watch him grow up in this life.

No one can destroy all of this, otherwise she will think that the rebirth in this life is just a dream of hers.

Every time Han Jing came to visit Brother Xing, he could see the exhausted look of the queen,
"The empress needs to take care of her health. Uncle Kang Ping is fine. The imperial doctor said that when he wakes up, he will recover slowly. If the empress also collapses, when Uncle Kang wakes up, he will love you."

(End of this chapter)

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