Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 1174 As gentle as my sister

Chapter 1174

"Oh good, I'll go back and wait for you." Zuo Ben glanced at the boss, took a deep breath, jumped up, and disappeared into the night in a blink of an eye through the corrugated roof.

Under the empty night, Fei Ran was lying halfway on the roof in a bright red robe, looking at the stars hanging in the sky, twitching the corners of his mouth, letting himself blend into the night.

Holding the jug in his hand, he quietly watched the officers and soldiers in the yard rummaging around, with the corners of his mouth slightly upturned, searching carefully and earnestly enough, but it would have been a pity if he had come earlier.

After a while, all the officers and soldiers who searched came back.

"My lord, I have checked everything. It is true that no one lives here."

"My lord, judging by how dilapidated this yard is, no one has set foot there for at least two years."

"My lord, I found nothing."

Listening to the subordinate's report, the leading adult pursed the corners of his lips, glanced around, and flicked his sleeves fiercely,
"Go, go to the next one."

With a whoosh, a group of people rubbed their armor and walked farther and farther away. Fei Ran was still sitting on the roof, watching the group of people go away, before taking a sip of wine.

With a chuckle, he looked at the stars in the sky.

"I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me. Bai Xingyu, you're lucky. I'm glad you're still alive."

After this time, the affection between him and Han Jing was over.

In the future, the bridge will return to the bridge, and the road will return to the road. It is not bad to be a stranger.

Only that kid Zuo Ben felt that Bai Ningxiang didn't care, did he really?
Bai Xingyu grew up under her care, and it hurts like an eyeball. Now that he almost lost his life because of him, he can imagine Bai Ningxiang furious without asking.

He can understand how heartache and fear it is when someone he cares about is hurt.

Therefore, if Bai Ningxiang knew that he was the person behind the scenes, she would definitely be resentful.

At that time, he was also because of Bai Ningxiang's bright personality, alertness and cunning, she was still a woman with a real temperament, so he had the cheek to get close to her.

If she was the one who got hurt this time, maybe she could be forgiven.But it's hard to say if it's the relatives around her.

"It's really God's will to trick people, it would be nice if I knew if I didn't know each other!"

Originally, he thought that as long as he was honest enough, the friendship could still be maintained, and it would be pleasing to pretend to be an uncle once in a while.But now that he has become an accomplice, does he still have face?
Maybe Gray Eagle is right, he has such a status, he is destined not to be able to sit with Han Jing and have a good time.

People who are supposed to be opposites, no matter how tired they are together, pretending to be intimate and have a long-lasting friendship, it is disgusting.

Thinking of this, Feiran raised his head and downed the last glass of wine, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, got up and left.

The night was hazy and the lights were dim. Bai Xingyu lay on the bed, moved his eyelids, and opened his eyes suddenly. When he saw the person sitting on the chair, he was slightly taken aback, but was immediately surprised again.

"Brother Feiran, why are you here? Did you come to see me specially?"

"It's still a little alert, and I haven't slept like a dead pig."

Feiran glanced at the warm ginseng soup next to him, poured himself a cup of tea,
"You're right. I heard that you were stabbed and almost died. Come and have a look."

"Brother Feiran, don't worry, I'm fine. The imperial doctor said, just wake up and take care of me slowly."

Bai Xingyu's small face was slightly pale, and with such a smile, he looked weak and pitiful.

"It's good to be able to laugh."

Feiran put down the teacup, walked to the bed, looked down at the little guy shyly smiling at him, he moved his fingers, snorted softly, sat back on the chair, and leaned back.

"I heard that you are brave enough to block the knife for your nephew."

"Thinking about it now, it's quite scary... At that time, when I saw the bad guy stab at Mo'er, I blocked it subconsciously."

When saying this, Bai Xingyu grinned at Feiran,
"I am Mo'er's uncle and an elder, so naturally I have to protect him."

"Hmph~, you are brave and righteous, I admire you."

Fei Ran flirted with him,
"Warrior, do you want some soup? The master of this sect will serve you."


Bai Xingyu pursed his lips, it was indeed a little dry.

Feiran looked at the little guy's staring eyes, resigned himself to his fate, and went over to serve him a bowl of ginseng soup, helped him up, leaned against his back with a soft cushion, and fed him spoonful by spoonful, skillfully.

After drinking a bowl of ginseng soup, Bai Xingyu immediately became much more energetic. He fell into a coma for several days, and his body was so weak. Now someone finally talked to him.

"Brother Feiran, you are just like my sister, you are very good at taking care of people."

Feiran twitched the corner of his lower lip, "If you feed me a bowl of soup, you will take care of others? What theory do you have?"

"Of course there are theories. Taking care of people is particular. It can't be scalded, spilled or leaked, and it can't be choked. Anyway, I can't do it."

Bai Xingyu blushed, "I have been taken care of by my sister since I was a child, and my sister has always been gentle to me. Brother Feiran is just like my sister."

Feiran: "..."

A little hairy child is a little hairy child.

Does he take care of people?

Maybe, in those few years, the silly woman went crazy every day, and he was indeed taking care of her.

"Why doesn't your mother take care of you? I heard that she is still alive." When he was living in Zhangzhou Mansion, he occasionally heard the girl talking, but he didn't know the details.

"My mother? She is indeed alive, but how should I comment?"

Bai Xingyu frowned, remained silent for a while, and then spoke with a conflicted expression.

"In my impression, my mother is a very gentle person with a gentle personality and loves Buddhism. She has been living in the backyard to worship the Buddha and never cares about world affairs. At the beginning, I always went to see her secretly, watching her water the flowers and watching her copy Buddhist scriptures."

"As long as she finds me, she always smiles and beckons to me, and then I will accompany her to water the flowers and trim the branches and leaves together."

Feiran listened to his tone, looked at the sparkle in his eyes, and raised his hand to rub the soft hair on the top of his head.

"Isn't that nice?"

"At first, I thought it was pretty good, so I ran over from time to time, but gradually I found that my mother was a little bit right. She always advised me to study hard, take a good job in the exam, and get ahead in the future... Otherwise, I will be sorry for her in October. If you are pregnant, you will go through the gate of hell."

When Bai Xingyu said this, his originally gentle face slowly sank.

Seeing Feiran raised his eyebrows, "Poor parents in the world, do you often slack off, don't study, and make your mother angry, so you use this to motivate you?"

"At first I thought so too, so I comforted my mother, saying that I would definitely study hard, practice martial arts well, and in the future I would gain fame and glory in the family..."

Seeing that he stopped talking halfway through, Fei Ran raised his eyebrows, and didn't make a sound to remind him, just looked at him quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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