Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 1181 You are exposed

Chapter 1181 You are exposed

Han Jing said, looking at his grandfather's gloomy expression, his heart was calm, not to mention that his grandfather wanted to interfere in his harem, even if his father was alive, he couldn't decide whether he wanted to accept a concubine, when to accept concubine you, who's it? lady.

As a courtier, he can speak out, but if he wants to intervene as an elder, it is too lenient.

Just like what Xiao Qi said, he can't influence the Feng family's decision, and he won't blame, because everyone has a big family behind them, and they all have their own difficulties.

Now that they have stood their own positions, don't use the elders to put pressure on him. When they abandoned their mother, they had already told everyone that the Feng family and the Han family had drawn a clear line.

That being the case, why bother to put on a heartbroken, good-for-you gesture?
Han Jing looked at his grandfather, the irritability in his heart had been suppressed by him. He is the emperor of South Korea and the lord of a country. What he has to do is not only to balance the court, but also to let the Korean people live and work in peace and contentment without the suffering of war.

Of course, before doing everything, he must be an independent king and cannot be influenced by anyone, including these so-called family relationships.

Moreover, he was able to attack the capital city in one fell swoop, thanks to the Queen's generosity, otherwise his soldiers would definitely be hungry.

Therefore, the stability of the harem and the queen's satisfaction are also the honor he should give as a husband, instead of entering the harem and giving him the honor, but letting her fight with a bunch of women to the death.

At that time, everyone will lose their hearts, and in their eyes, besides winning or losing, only power remains.

However, based on his understanding of the queen, if he really hurt her, she might not fight with a group of women, but point the finger at him, and maybe he will die unexpectedly one day.

The prince succeeds to the throne, the queen is promoted to the empress dowager, so what if there are more women in the harem, isn't it because she wants to play with it?

Thinking of this, Han Jing shuddered involuntarily, feeling that she had glimpsed the truth.

Of course, he is not too attached to the throne, he just wants to wait for the prince to grow up and be able to take charge of his own affairs, then he will give up the throne, be a leisurely emperor, and take the queen to travel around.

By the way, to see if their home territory has been violated, to help fight wars or something.

But the premise is that he must get rid of all hidden dangers and help the prince govern a prosperous dynasty... Therefore, during this period, he must take good care of himself and not let the queen kill him.

The more he thought about it, the more Han Jing disliked his grandfather,

"Looking at the entire capital, all the aristocratic families are staring at my harem, but if I set a precedent, Feng Jijiu thinks that you alone can turn the tide?"

Han Jing's meaning is very clear, I know what you want the daughter of the Feng family to enter the palace.But can you stop other aristocratic families from sending their daughters into the palace?


Hearing his nephew's tone, Feng Jijiu's heart sank, it's different, indeed it's different from before, it's because he pushed it up.

"The purpose of filling up the harem is to multiply children and spread leaves for the royal family. Grandpa thinks, what do I lack?"

Feng Jijiu: "..."

There are princes and princesses, and the crown prince was determined at the beginning of the founding of the country, and the heirs are indeed impeccable.

As long as the harem has no heirs, and the emperor has not expanded the harem, he can still blame the queen, saying that she is jealous and affects the reproduction of the emperor's heirs... Unfortunately, this excuse has long been blocked.

Seeing her grandfather speechless, Han Jing felt a lot happier,

"So, I have a prince, and there is no shortage of princes and princesses. The queen is the master of the harem, and there will be princes and princesses born in the future, and the children born by the queen are all royal orthodox descendants, and their status is more noble than the heirs born to concubines. hundred times."

"So, what's the use of accepting the concubine?"

Feng Jijiu: "..."

Han Jing raised his head to look at the stone forest with his hands behind his back, his tone was quite emotional,
"The imperial court has just been established, and there are many areas that need to be improved. I can't wait to devote all my energy to the imperial court. I would rather not eat or sleep to make the imperial court stable and the country stable...the assassination of the royal garden will never happen again. I am alone, and I have nothing else to do, why would I want a group of women to disturb my mind and waste my time?"

"Since I have become a king, I should be diligent in the court instead of being obsessed with women. Grandfather, what do you think?"

Hearing the emperor's solemn tone, Feng Jijiu's old face was flushed with embarrassment. In addition to being the emperor's grandfather, he was also the Imperial College Jijiu, who was in charge of teaching Confucianism.

It stands to reason that the emperor's diligence is a blessing to the court.

And he tried to persuade the emperor to accept the concubine. Such a comparison is quite suspected of being a courtier.

If this is heard by the people at Yushitai, or if a word is spread, his old face will be completely humiliated.

Thinking of this, Feng Jijiu plopped and knelt on the ground with a heartbroken and guilty look.

"The old minister is guilty. The old minister is narrow-minded. He only wants to let the emperor's heirs reproduce, but he ignores that the emperor is in the court wholeheartedly. The emperor is diligent and loving the people. This is the blessing of our court and the joy of the people."

Han Jing glanced at him, the corners of her lips curled slightly,

"It's good that my grandfather understands my painstaking efforts. In the future, if something happens, my grandfather can talk to me in private. As long as it is good for the court and the people, I will definitely encourage him."

"Cough~, Supervisor Han, hurry up and help him up, my grandfather is getting old, the ground is cold, and his knees can't stand the cold."

Supervisor Han glanced at the old man of the Feng family on the ground, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

"Boss, please get up quickly, our family will help you up."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, the old minister is terrified."

Feng Jijiu bowed his body, secretly wiped the sweat from his head, and just when he was about to leave, a female official walked out from behind the bamboo forest.

"The servant girl pays homage to the emperor. The empress has asked the emperor to rest and talk with Feng Jijiu in front of the gazebo."

Feng Jijiu: "..."

Han Jing glanced outside the bamboo forest, the corners of his mouth curled slightly,
"The queen has come to the Royal Garden?"

"Back to the emperor, the empress is checking the account books in the hall. After a long time, her eyes feel sore, so she wants to come to the imperial garden. The winter jasmine and white magnolia in the imperial garden are blooming well. The empress is making tea in the pavilion in front. Hearing this If there is a sound, let the servants come to invite you."

Yun Ni said, blessed Fushen, what she meant was very clear, we heard everything you talked about.

Now invite you to drink tea and see how open and aboveboard we are, and we do things openly, without hiding anything.

Han Jing glanced at Yun Ni, then at his grandfather who was sweating on his forehead, and shook his head helplessly.

The queen is so naughty that she has learned to be scary.

"It's still the empress who has a sense of elegance, and such a spring scene has a artistic conception."

"What the emperor said is that the empress also said that it's rare to come to the Imperial Garden with pleasure. It's such a coincidence that it's a pity not to make a pot of tea."

(End of this chapter)

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