Chapter 1184 Warning
The harem is directly under the empress. To put it seriously, the emperor cannot interfere with the affairs of the harem beyond the empress.Even if he interfered, it just happened to be heard, really bad.

Now the queen is using her son to fight back against him, which is a clear warning.

If he impeaches the queen for interfering in politics, the queen will immediately counterattack him for interfering in the harem.

Until this time, Feng Jijiu finally realized the deep meaning in the old woman's words, their queen's thoughts were deeper than the noble daughters of the capital.

And it's poisonous enough. He only pays respect to his elder, but he obviously doesn't like it in his eyes.

"Why is my grandfather looking at me like this? Is he not satisfied with my proposal?" Bai Ningxiang put down her teacup and smiled gently.

"It's the old minister who is rude, and the empress forgives the sin." He dare not recognize this kind of niece and daughter-in-law who hides a knife in her smile, and he can't afford to be an elder.

Han Jing glared at the queen, it was almost impossible, in case someone was scared out of his wits.

He was the one who provoked Ben Gong first, who is to blame?

Feng Ji didn't drink any wine or tea, and didn't dare to sit, so he took a step back and knelt on the ground.
"Your Majesty, please forgive the old minister for speaking bluntly. I am not afraid of the emperor's jokes. The dog is mediocre and incompetent. He just hangs out in the capital on weekdays. If he really transfers people to other posts, I am afraid that he will fail the emperor's trust."

"Grandfather, get up, don't worry, I know the situation of the two uncles, so naturally I won't arrange a position that is too difficult. Besides, the more inexperienced, the more you need to practice. After three or five years of polishing, you can do anything." understood."

Han Jing helped him up, feeling very helpless. Originally, he was planning to send him down near the capital, just to teach him a lesson, but the queen threw him away as soon as he opened his mouth.

The queen has to give her face, otherwise she will lose face. Fortunately, the border has been well managed in recent years, and there have been no large-scale wars.

With Yang Han taking care of him, there won't be any troubles.

Hearing the emperor's tone, the old man's heart sank, the emperor's mind would definitely not change.

He had nothing else to say except thank you.

Bai Ningxiang looked at the old man's attitude, her expression was very flat, people who eat too badly generally do not end well.

He was clearly a relative of the Han family, but he was the first to bite someone.

"Grandfather, what the emperor said is right. No one is born to be an official, and they all need to be trained. Since the uncle is transferred to the county under the jurisdiction of Yanzhou Prefecture, the second uncle should be closer to the capital, so that grandfather can rest assured. If you go for a walk, it’s like leaving relatives.”

Speaking of this, Bai Ningxiang got up directly, walked in front of Han Jing,
"Your Majesty, think about it carefully, which prefectures near Kyoto have good counties under the jurisdiction, and quickly arrange them for the second uncle."

Feng Jijiu: "..."

Han Jing looked at the queen with a speechless expression. The person who got into this stumbling block did not betray anyone at all.

It's not afraid to be remembered by so blatantly spreading hatred.

"Cough~, there is a good county under the jurisdiction of Dingzhou, which produces the best quality silk. Why don't you go there. If my grandfather and grandmother want to see it, it's only a three or four day drive away. It's very close."

"In this way, the palace is relieved. Later, my grandfather told the uncle and the second uncle to avoid disagreements. Originally, the palace wanted the second uncle to go to the northwest to help Lu Ran manage the county...Since the grandfather didn't want his son to stay away, there is a big Uncle going to the border alone is doing the emperor a favor."

Hearing the queen's slightly regretful tone, Feng Jijiu almost rolled his eyes on the spot.

He calculated that one son was not enough for him, and he wanted to get rid of both of them, but she could figure it out.

Knowing that this woman is plotting against him and warning the Feng family, he still has to thank her.

"Thank you, Empress, for your generosity. Gouzi will definitely thank your empress for her kindness. Naturally, there will be no disagreements. The old minister will resign."

Only villains and women are difficult to raise, and the ancients never deceived me.

"Han Zhangjian, send my grandfather out of the palace on my behalf, so I can take care of him." Han Jing saw that the old man's expression was not good, and he didn't dare to keep him any longer.

"Here, my lord, please." Supervisor Han agreed, stretched out his hand to support him, and walked slowly towards the palace gate.

Although it looks pitiful, the old man should know who is to blame.

Even his servant could see what the queen meant, the boss is as smart as a monkey, how could he not know that the queen warned him again.

If you take yourself too seriously and interfere too much, you will be the one who suffers.

I don't even look at what the Feng family did in the early days. What is it now?

Their wives watched the empress embarrassing the old man in the sky, and they would not blame him.

Seeing Feng Jijiu leaving in disorder, Bai Ningxiang reached out to support Yun Ni's wrist, and looked at Han Jing with a smile before leaving.

"The emperor is going to issue the imperial decree of reassignment, and I have to issue the empress' decree. When the female officer is sent back to Chengde Hall, the two decrees will be sent together, and the Feng family will be blessed. What does the emperor think?"

Han Jing looked at the queen's smiling eyes, feeling helpless,
"Is the queen not afraid of my anger?"

"Is the emperor angry?"

Bai Ningxiang looked at him pretending to be surprised, and then suddenly realized, "Could it be that the emperor wants to accept concubines into the harem? Does this palace's canonization decree need to be changed?"

Hmph, just treat her as jealous, if he dares to accept a concubine, she will immediately issue the Queen's order.

No one is afraid of anyone, anyway, she is going to be the queen mother, so it doesn't matter if she advances a bit.

"The empress is trying to amuse me. You know that I rejected my grandfather. From the beginning to the end, I never wanted a daughter from the Feng family to enter the palace... No, I don't want any noble daughters from aristocratic families."

A single woman can turn the harem upside down, if there are more, he might not have a place to sleep.

"The queen has already taught the Feng family a lesson. My grandfather is smart, so he naturally knows how to do it."

Bai Ningxiang walked to Han Jing's side, raised her head slightly, "Your Majesty doesn't blame me?"

"The empress is really heartless. I've been on your side from the beginning to the end. Does the empress want to pretend she didn't see it?"

Han Jing was almost laughed out of anger, this woman is becoming more and more difficult to serve.

"Hmph, who made the Feng family sick to me first? Originally, if they stopped, I wouldn't bother to compete with them. The female relatives didn't take advantage of it, so the old man went straight to it. If the ugly eats, I have to wash my eyes when I go back."

Bai Ningxiang looked at Han Jing,

"The establishment of a new dynasty is a good time for everyone to make contributions. The Feng family is lucky. They don't want to think about how to make achievements. They just follow these crooked ways to increase officials and become nobles. The Feng family is really not on the stage."

The title earned by being aboveboard is what makes people admire and admire.

I want to take a shortcut, but fortunately he is still the Imperial College Jijiu... Bai Ningxiang blinked her eyes, "Is the old man really knowledgeable and knowledgeable?"

I'm sorry, but she really didn't see the talent and learned it except for drilling.

Han Jing: "..."

This woman has a poisonous mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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