Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 1187 Waste a lot of roast chicken

Chapter 1187 Waste a lot of roast chicken
Mrs. Feng poked the ground with her cane, and there was a loud bang.
"Uneasy and kind wolf cubs, the previous kindness really fed the dogs. How can our Feng family feel sorry for them? Now that we have gained power, we want to drive the Feng family to extinction."

"Old lady, we are the ones who owed us the debt, and Lan'er is at the should be our fault too."

Speaking of his daughter, the old man couldn't help looking at the red plum tree outside, which was his daughter's favorite flower tree. As a result, among the children, only Lan'er resembled him the most. If Lan'er was the elder brother, why would the Feng family not worry.

A miss is a miss after all.

Hearing the old man's emotion, Mrs. Feng was taken aback for a moment, then fell silent for two or three breaths.
"It is said that a married woman and the water splashed out are fate. The master can't waste the lives of the whole family to save her. If something happens, the troubled children and grandchildren will not die well. How can the master be worthy of the ancestors of the Feng family? Liezong?"

"It's said that a woman is outward-looking, and her home is where she marries. As for her natal family, she is a delicate guest. Lan'er has always understood this. Therefore, on the day of the accident, she did not send anyone to Feng's family for help. The old lady always remembered her. Affection."

Old Madam Feng said, her eyes turned red, what could she do if she made a wrong step that would affect the whole family.

The two of them died when they were old, but as for the children and grandchildren, as for the Feng family, if they were made sinners in the clan, and there was no peace in the underground, they would definitely feel guilty for the rest of their lives.

After all, it's not a surname, the incense is a little bit weaker.

The old man came back to his senses, looked at the red eyes of the old woman, and sighed heavily,

"Forget it, the past is over, it's useless to think about it. Just watch, in a few days, someone will take the initiative to ask for an assignment, because in the eyes of everyone, the Feng family must be assigned by the emperor." Show us a clear path, so that the descendants of the Feng family can be promoted smoothly."

Feng Jijiu squinted at the withered plum trees in the yard, and couldn't tell what it was like.

The queen counterattacked the Feng family, using an eye for an eye, using people's hearts. As for whether it will succeed, it only needs to wait a few days to fully understand.

Listening to the old man's analysis, the old lady looked in disbelief.

"Everyone is not stupid, how could they take the initiative to invite Ying to be dispatched abroad, come back in three to five years, who knows what will happen in three to five years?"

"No need to say too much, just wait and see, the matter is a foregone conclusion and cannot be changed."

Feng Jijiu glanced at the old lady and left.

Bai Ningxiang doesn't care how the Feng family is making trouble, as long as no one bothers her, it's fine.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten days passed, and the two sons of the Feng family left the capital for their respective posts under the watchful eyes of everyone.

No matter how unwilling Wang was to leave, he had to pack his bags and set off with his youngest son, two concubines, and two concubines.

In order to show fairness, Feng Jijiu left a grandson in each room, and he pretended to be with his grandmother. In fact, just in case, he was going to personally teach the two grandsons to become talents. Carefully raising the two grandsons can also preserve the Feng family's foundation.

Sure enough, as he expected, several aristocratic families in the capital took the initiative to speak in the court hall, begging their descendants to be released, hoping that the emperor would give them a chance to practice.

Naturally, Han Jing would not object to such a request for instructions. It was originally a plan that killed many birds with one stone.

It is a kind of balance for the imperial court that the children of the clan are appointed outside, and everyone is involved with each other. As for the filling of vacancies in the capital, it depends on whose son Lang is better.

The matter of the Feng family was perfectly resolved, and Bai Ningxiang finally felt at ease. After checking the account books of various places, she gave some suggestions based on the situation of each place. By the way, she arranged the affairs for the second half of the year. If there are any adjustments that need to be made, she will directly give Bai Zhimin Feige Pass the letter and let him make a trip in person.

When she is free, the time for the March Three Flower Banquet will not be far away.

To be honest, she is the only master in the harem. Although holding a flower banquet is simple, she lacks interest as long as she thinks of the thoughts of some people who are still eager to move.

It's a pity that as the master of the harem, not everything can be done as one likes, and it is also one of her responsibilities to keep in touch with the wives of the harem on a regular basis.

After thinking about it, Bai Ningxiang directly called the managers of Shangshi Shangyi and asked them to arrange the preparation of the March Three Flower Banquet.

After finishing it, just report to her directly.

For more than a month, her little prince still hasn't been invited, but the palace roast chicken has been eaten a lot.

Every time the prince left with the roast chicken excitedly, and came back in a dispirited manner, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help laughing.

Regarding the matter of hiring a teacher, Bai Ningxiang is not in a hurry, children, it is good to sharpen a little more.

Even so, the curiosity in Bai Ningxiang's heart was completely aroused. She also wanted to know what kind of person the other party was, who had the audacity to eat other people's roast chicken for a month, but refused to accept the invitation.

"Yun Ni, wait for the prince to come back, let him come."


After dinner, Bai Ningxiang stopped the crown prince who got up to leave, "Mo'er, can that Wen Daru please move?"

"Mother, not yet, but the master has asked his son to follow him." Han Mo was a little ashamed. After more than two months, he still didn't invite anyone, and he was also anxious.

Fortunately, after all these efforts, the husband finally stopped turning a blind eye.

"What are you doing by your side? Reading, writing, and reading articles together?" Bai Ningxiang nodded, and it was somewhat effective.

"No, we collected firewood together, pulled weeds together, and even went shopping together for a walk."

Hearing his mother's inquiry, Han Mo's expression became tangled, and he told his mother about Wen Daru's busy day.

"Mr. is busy with many things every day, and has little time to read. If Erchen goes a little later, I won't be able to see him."

As Han Mo said, he shrugged his innocent little shoulders, "Yesterday, I heard from Xiaoshu that my husband stayed up all night to write something. I don't know what small book it is, and my husband won't let him read it."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

What is this strange old man?

"Then Mo'er is willing to collect firewood and buy vegetables with Mr.?"

"It's okay, Mr. said that the daily life of the people is like this. They get up early to collect firewood, and then go to the fields to work. In exchange for hard work, they are only firewood, rice, oil and salt. It's just a day of two meals a day."

As Han Mo said, he suddenly raised his head,

"My queen, on weekdays, my children eat three meals a day, and sometimes four meals a day. I didn't know until I got to know Mr. that common people eat two meals a day."

This question has troubled him for several days, and every time he asks Mr., he always avoids answering.

Hearing Mo'er's tone, Bai Ningxiang was taken aback,
"My son is right. Common people generally have two meals a day, one in the morning and one in the evening. Three meals and four meals a day can only be enjoyed by noble families. As for the reason, can my son ask Mr.? How did he give you the answer? of?"

(End of this chapter)

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