Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 129 One sentence

Chapter 129 A Bad Word Xia Rihan

Bai Laosan looked at Bai Ning's refusing to enter, then looked at the two boxes on the carriage, with greedy eyes,

"What do you mean by Miss Xiang? These guys are also foreigners, how could they enter your house rashly, how do you let your mother deal with herself?"

"Third Uncle, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. You must know a bad word Xia Rihan. Don't forget that my mother is Third Uncle's eldest sister-in-law."

Bai Ningxiang didn't save face for Bai Laosan, even the chief of the village was alarmed, and she had already torn her face.

It's just that some people don't see good things, they have thick skins, and they want to keep everything for themselves.

Watching the conversation between Bai Ningxiang and Bai Laosan, the teenagers couldn't help but glance at each other. It seems that the relationship between this Bai girl and her family is not very good.

Bai Ningxiang didn't want to listen to Bai Laosan's nonsense, so she looked at the few people directly, "Please tell me clearly, who ordered you to deliver the things? Who did you give them to, and did you name them?"

When the teenagers heard Bai Ningxiang's question, they immediately clasped their fists in salute, "At the next moment, the master has an order to send the things to the house of Bai Xiucai, the eldest son of the Bai family in Bashan Village."

wind one?

The guards around Yixiong, those who start with the word Feng are all carefully selected talents by Yixiong.

In her previous life, when she went out to discuss business, her brother-in-law gave her two guards of Fengzi's generation to accompany her.

After listening to the young man's words, everyone immediately understood, and turned to look at Bai Laosan with teasing eyes.

"Bai Laosan, you can't do it, why do you want to take everything from yourself?"

"That's right, it was obviously given to your eldest brother, and you have already separated, so what are you messing with?"

"I'm afraid you want to keep it for yourself? Haha..."

Hearing the roar of laughter from the crowd, Bai Laosan blushed, and immediately began to act like a rascal,
"What are you laughing at, what are you laughing at, this is my Bai family's business, what does it have to do with you. My eldest brother is dead, and only my sister-in-law and sister Xiang are left in the big house. How can strangers be allowed to enter the yard at will?"

"As the third uncle, I am helping to receive it. It is reasonable, what are you thinking?"

Bai Laosan said, holding his head up, "Sister Xiang, do you miss Third Uncle that much?"

"Third Uncle, since they were sent to my house, now that I'm back, I don't need to bother Third Uncle." Bai Ningxiang said lightly, beckoning a few people to go home.

"Sister Xiang, do you still have any rules? These are all foreigners, you orphans and widows, are you not afraid of rumors?"

Bai Lao San is not reconciled, it's really bad luck, if he doesn't come back sooner or later, he's almost cheating people home, the dead girl is back.

Bai Ningxiang stopped in her tracks, looked at Bai Laosan with cold eyes,

"The body is not afraid of the oblique shadow, people have to live. Does the third uncle think that we can only obey the rules if we starve to death in the yard?"

"In our Bashan Village, the folk customs have always been simple, and there have never been any bad rumors. On the contrary, it is the third uncle who slanders us again and again, which is incredible."

Listening to Bai Ningxiang's questioning, the spectators beside him couldn't help feeling sympathetic. There were only two women left in the big house of the Bai family, so how could they not go out?
Farmers don't have so many conditions to be polite.

Look at the unscrupulous appearance of the old and the third, the second and third members of the Bai family are unreliable, if you don't work hard, don't let people bully you to death?

Seeing the disdainful eyes of the neighbors and Sister Xiang's sharp eyes, Bai Laosan flinched for some reason.

(End of this chapter)

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