Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 147 I Just Like To See You Hate Me But Can't Do It For Me

Chapter 147 I Just Like To See You Hate Me But Can't Do It For Me

No matter how much family affection was, it was wiped out by calculations again and again.

"If you still think about your father's goodness, don't interfere with our mother and daughter's life anymore. Since we are tired of seeing each other, it's better to be strangers."

In this life, she doesn't want to waste all her patience on these people.

"Impossible. As long as your surname is Bai, you can't get rid of us unless you return the tea garden."

Bai Laosan stared at his niece's indifferent expression with stern eyes, trying to get rid of them easily, how could it be so easy.

It really made him anxious, so he used Shen's knife, it was too easy to make an accident.

At that time, the dead girl has no mother, and the marriage can only fall on them. If she dares to resist, he will sell her to the bad old man as a concubine for a reason.

Bai Ningxiang looked at the ruthless intent in Bai Laosan's eyes, but her expression remained calm, "Grandmother, take a step to speak."

Lao Bai didn't know what kind of medicine she was selling in her gourd, and after a moment of hesitation, she heard Bai Ning's fragrant and light laughter.

"Heck...why, grandma is afraid that I won't succeed?"

Lao Bai pursed her lips and took a few steps forward. In broad daylight, she really couldn't do anything to herself.

Bai Ningxiang leaned closer to her grandmother, whispering softly with only a voice that the two of them could hear.

"Grandmother, you'd better control your second and third uncles. Don't let them mess with me. The point is, don't mess with my mother. Otherwise, it won't be as simple as becoming dumb and breaking your leg."

Lao Bai suddenly turned her head and looked at the smiling granddaughter with horror on her face, " did it?"

"Grandma was so surprised, what did I say?" Bai Ningxiang looked at her grandmother with a smile on her face. Anyone who saw the scene of the two would think that the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren is very close.


Lao Bai's mouth was trembling, and his slightly cloudy eyes were open. You kept talking for a long time, but didn't say a word.

Only she herself knows the turmoil in her heart.

When did the soft granddaughter in my impression become so vicious.

She said why it was such a coincidence that the two of them had an accident together, and now they finally know the reason.

It turned out that Sister Xiang had hated her since then.

"Grandmother, I'm small-minded, and I love to hold grudges. Besides, I have my righteous brother backing me. If I want to deal with my second and third uncles quietly, it's as easy as crushing an ant. If you don't want to Leave a son for the elderly, just try, and see which one of us will laugh for a long time in the end."

It was clearly a soft-spoken voice, but the tone made one's hair stand on end.

Lao Bai's hands hidden in his sleeves couldn't help but began to tremble, and he only cared about his anger for a few days, but forgot about the general.

Enduring the trembling in his heart, Lao Bai still didn't believe it, "Could it be that your brother-in-law would kill someone for you?"

Brothers can't do this, let alone a righteous brother who can't beat him?
"Heh~, there is no way, who told me to save the life of my brother-in-law. If grandma wants to try, I have no objection. Anyway, the one who loses in the end is your son."

"Are you not afraid that I will publicize your affairs?" Lao Bai didn't believe in evil, and subconsciously thought that this girl was deliberately scaring herself.

But looking at her mocking eyes, I already faintly believed it in my heart.

"Hehe... Grandma really likes to joke. Did I tell you anything? First, there is no evidence, and second, there is no physical evidence. Even if the king comes, he will not convict me based on a single word from my grandmother." .”

(End of this chapter)

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