Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 149 Who doesn't want the treasure in their parents' hands

Chapter 149 Who doesn't want the treasure in their parents' hands
In a blink of an eye, the day for the yamen servant to drive piles arrived.

Early in the morning, Bai Ningxiang got up, tidied up specially, and wore a light blue muslin dress, a small bun on her head, fixed with a simple white jade hairpin, and the rest of her hair was braided into a fishtail braid, hanging behind.

The eyebrows were lightly brushed, and a layer of lip gloss was applied. Although it didn't stand out, the whole person was much more energetic.

Then I asked my mother to prepare a few red envelopes for me, all of which contained half a tael of silver, which can be regarded as a greeting to the yamen servants, and they are familiar with each other.

After everything was tidied up, he brought white tea and Bai Wu to the intersection to meet him.

Before leaving, she specifically told Aunt Deng to lock the gate so that no one would open it.

At three o'clock, Wang Yaji showed up with three yamen servants, "Oh, Miss Bai, I kept you waiting for a long time."

"Where, I just arrived too. The three officials have worked hard all the way." Bai Ningxiang greeted them politely and led them up the mountain.

At this time, the people in the village had just had breakfast, and it was time to go to work in the fields. They suddenly saw Bai Ningxiang leading the three yamen servants up the mountain, and they all looked around curiously.

"What is Sister Xiang going to do? Why did you recruit the official?"

"I'm afraid there's something wrong. Sister Xiang'er is a bold girl. There is nothing she dares to do."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and some idle villagers followed from a distance to watch the excitement.

The three yamen servants are all on duty in the town yamen, and they often do piling work for others.But today is the first time being led by a little girl.

"Miss Bai, buying Yamada is such a big deal, aren't you going to find an adult to follow?"

"I made the official laugh. My family is in a special situation, and my mother is also inconvenient. I will be in charge of the family affairs for the time being."

Standing on the hillside, Bai Ningxiang smiled gently, took the red seal from Bai Cha, and handed it to the three yamen servants.

"Please take care of me, sir."

The three yamen servants looked at each other, and they all took it with a smile, squeezed it subconsciously, and a smile flashed in their eyes.

I thought that a little girl didn't understand the market, so today's trip was a waste of time, but I didn't expect her to be very sophisticated despite her young age.

"Miss Bai, you are polite. Every family has its own difficulties in reciting scriptures, and there is nothing you can do about it. You can rest assured about piling, we brothers are used to it, and we will definitely not make mistakes."

Finally able to communicate sincerely, Bai Ningxiang blessed the body and sincerely thanked her,

"It's work."

The two yamen servants each carried their heads and carried half a bag of white lime. They lifted their feet and began to measure, still muttering words, at the beginning, fifty steps, one hundred steps, one hundred and fifty steps... and so on. Every time a node is reached, a hole is dug and a handful of white lime is sprinkled.

Bai Ningxiang didn't know how they felt to measure them, and she didn't dare to disturb them, so she followed from a distance, carrying tea for preparation.

Wang Shirong kept looking at Bai Ningxiang's words and deeds, and nodded secretly in his heart. From the time he met to now, he has become a foil.

"Haha...Miss Bai is really capable. Who has such a sensible daughter as you, but it is a blessing that has been cultivated in several lifetimes."

"Where, if you can, who doesn't want to be the treasure in the palm of their parents, I can't help it, life is always going to happen."

Bai Ningxiang did not hide her situation. She bought such a large forest, it must attract attention.

(End of this chapter)

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