Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 159 Isn't This Bullying?

Chapter 159 Isn't This Bullying?

Aunt Osmanthus took a bunch of copper coins with a smile, counted them twice before nodding with a grin.

"It's just right, the word is not bad, sister Xiang, you see, let's contract another field, this time we want a larger one, and we guarantee it will be as good as this one."

Aunt Osmanthus said, pointing to the big field next to her.

"As long as you think it's okay, of course I have no problem."

Bai Ningxiang glanced at the piece next to it, and marked it according to the label.

"This piece has ten acres, and you can get six hundred cash if you do it well."

Everyone just started to test the water, and they all chose small pieces for the first time. Now that they have tasted the sweetness, they naturally rushed to the big pieces.

Therefore, when she was planning, she put the small block inside the big block, and it saved them from running around the whole mountain.

"Hey, okay, sister Xiang, don't worry, it will be done soon."

From the beginning to the end, the three sisters of Da Ya did not object, only Bai Ningxiang showed a shy smile when she looked over.

Afterwards, several more companies were checked and accepted in succession. The fields were all done well, and Bai Ningxiang didn't think about deducting anything, so she paid the money directly.

As long as the people who got the money, they all chose a large piece of land to continue to open up wasteland.

You can earn hundreds of Wen in a few days, which is much more cost-effective than going to the town to carry big bags.

Moreover, it is still a time when people are not receiving jobs. There is not much work in the family, and the whole family can participate. As long as you are not stupid, you will not give up this good opportunity to work.

Bai Wu carried the shovel and silently followed the girl. Now she finally understood that the girl was gesturing in the mountains and forests a while ago, and she wanted to divide the fields into different sizes. She had already thought about this.

But when it was accepted to Grandpa Seven's house, there was still a small episode.

The contractor of this land is Bai Qilin, the fourth son of Grandpa Seven.

Bai Ningxiang looked at the uneven mountain field in front of her, and couldn't help frowning. Before she could speak, Bai Wu came back after checking it.

"The roots of the underground trees have not been cleared, and there are too many weeds around, which is not up to standard."

Regarding Bai Wu's words, Bai Ningxiang had already made a prediction in her heart, but before she could open her mouth, the Zhuang family who was standing by the side, that is, Bai Ningxiang's fourth aunt, quit.

"I said, why do you talk so much as a servant? This is our Bai family's own business. We are sister Xiang's uncle. Can you use your servant to direct what to do?"

"That's right, shut up if you don't know how to speak, what are you messing around with?" Bai Qilin heard his wife's tone, his eyes flickered, and he echoed.

Even the children behind them showed the same indifferent expression.

Bai Ningxiang looked at the big family and counted, there were nine of them.

"I checked and accepted all the way up. Everyone did a good job and gave money. Why did something go wrong when I got to my uncle and aunt?"

"Nine of you, the land is four and a half mu. Together, each of you has five parts of the land. You are all half-grown young men. They can't even do this kind of work. Sure enough, they are not suitable for work."

When Mrs. Zhuang heard this, she immediately became unhappy, "Sister Xiang, what are you talking about? Haven't all the weeds and shrubs on the surface been cleaned up? Why is it not a material for work?"

"Fourth aunt, this is my family's field, and what I want is not to save face. I told you when I contracted it, and rework the unqualified ones."

"What? Do you want to go back to work? Sister Xiang, what do you mean, you don't show any sympathy?"

As soon as Mrs. Zhuang heard this, he quit immediately. The whole family worked hard for several days, but they didn't even pay any money, and they had to go back to work?

Isn't this bullying?
(End of this chapter)

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