Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 163 The Realm of the Rogue

Chapter 163 The Realm of the Rogue

As long as the time comes, he will come forward to frighten him, which happens to be a reason to help take charge of Yamada.

As long as the things are in hand, the dead girl can only submit, and then find another opportunity to marry her far away. Doesn't he have the final say on everything here?
Zhuang and his wife listened to Bai Laosan's reminder, blinked their eyes,
"Third brother, although what you said is correct, my family has no rice to cook. If you let us make trouble, we must be full, right?"

"Look at your worthless looks, isn't it just a little rice? Wait." Said, Bai Laosan quickly ran home, took half a bag of rice and threw it to Zhuang and his wife.

"Take it, work hard for me when you're full, and I'll give you another hundred catties of rice when it's done, enough for you to eat for a while."

"Hey~, the youngest is still interesting enough, unlike that dead girl who refuses to advance some money in advance, she is so tight."

With food in hand, don't panic.

The couple looked at each other, grinned with bared teeth, and spoke in a rascally way,
"Sister Xiang's mountain field has a thousand acres. Although it can't be fully developed into a mountain field, it is absolutely indispensable. Is it too little for you to only give one hundred catties of rice, and you have to add ten taels of silver to do it anyway."

Seeing the rogues of Zhuang and his wife, Bai Laosan kicked towards Bai Qilin and spit at him.
"Hey, how dare you overweight if you didn't get things done? You have a big appetite, why didn't you starve to death?"

"Hey...don't scold us, third child, we are all the same, no one is more noble than anyone else, there is a kind of Yamada who doesn't miss his niece?"

Bai Qilin bared his teeth, and patted off his clothes with a deadpan face, not caring at all.

"Anyway, what we do is all immoral things that make people spit on stars. You don't need to pay money. If one day I get dizzy from hunger and accidentally talk bald, don't blame us."

Seeing the shameless appearance of Zhuang's couple, Bai Laosan couldn't help turning around twice in anger, finally gritted his teeth, nodded,
"You guys are really good. If you dare to threaten me, you will do as you say. After the matter is completed, you will pay another ten taels of silver in addition to one hundred catties of rice."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Zhuang's eyes lit up, "Oh, the third child, we are all brothers of the same clan, so we can't have sex. Don't worry, our mouths must be covered with paste. We will never talk nonsense."

"That's right, don't worry, third child, it's up to us."

After they finished talking, they carried half a bag of rice on their backs and ran away in a hurry.

Seeing the disappearing couple, Bai Laosan kicked towards the bushes aside, cursing and swearing.

"Third Uncle, why are you so angry?"

"Aren't Bai Qilin and his wife trash..."

In the middle of speaking, Bai Laosan suddenly stopped talking, looked at the niece who appeared in front of him, and suddenly stuck his throat, when did she appear?

Bai Ningxiang looked at the third uncle's expression, she frowned, the smile in her eyes was as ironic as it could be,

"It doesn't feel good to be threatened, does it?"

Bai Laosan looked embarrassed, "... Miss Xiang, it's all a misunderstanding, you heard it wrong."

"Really, why do I feel that Uncle San wants to plot against me?"

Seeing Bai Laosan's dodging eyes, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help chuckling,
"Third uncle, you are really good at killing people, so I will fulfill your wish."

Just when Bai Laosan was at a loss, he suddenly felt a lump in his throat and lost his voice.

 See you tomorrow~~ Give a soft roar, recommend tickets, five-star praise...


(End of this chapter)

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