Chapter 166
Lao Bai closed his eyes, the family is unlucky.

"Let me reiterate, if you don't have diamonds, don't do porcelain work. That girl is cruel, and she doesn't care about family affection at all. If you don't listen to my advice, you can step on my mother's body first, and wait until my mother is dead. Do whatever you want."

Lao Bai frowned, staring at the two sons sharply, until the two nodded, then walked tremblingly to the yard, beat Meng and Liu, returned to his room, and fell asleep in the end.

It wasn't until the next day that Mrs. Liu ordered someone to eat, only to find that her mother-in-law's forehead was very hot, and she was muttering something indistinctly.

There was another burst of yelling to invite the doctor, and when Doctor Yang came with the medicine box, his face was already numb.

"Take care of her carefully, take her medicine on time, and don't be so preoccupied. It's easy to have a stroke at this age."

Doctor Yang prescribed a prescription, gave a few casual instructions, and left.

When Bai Ningxiang heard the news, she sat in a daze for a while, thinking that every cause has its fruit, and if she wanted to blame it, she blamed her sons for being too greedy and finally planning things that didn't belong to her.

On the second day,
Bai Ningxiang didn't see Zhuang's family on the mountain. I heard from the villagers yesterday that I don't know what happened to the Zhuang's family. They were hit by a hoe for a while, tripped over for a while, and Bai Qilin was accidentally bitten by a green snake. Now it is not poisonous, only a few teeth marks are left.

Even so, their family screamed in fright, bluntly saying that they had run into evil.

He wanted to escape, but was blocked by Bai Wu. In short, he ran all kinds of tricks, barely reworked the fields, and ran away without even paying his wages.

"Sister Xiang, don't listen to the Zhuang family's nonsense, everyone is here, no one's family is fine, and their family is the best."

Aunt Osmanthus spoke with relish, seeing Bai Ningxiang's surprised look, she quickly said a few words of relief, these few days, their family has earned a lot, and yesterday they even cut a piece of flesh.

Listening to Aunt Osmanthus's narration, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help shaking the corners of her lips, she didn't even ask for wages, it seemed that Bai Wu was quite frightening.

"Thank you, Aunt Osmanthus, for reminding me. I just went to the tea garden. I didn't expect so many things to happen. It seems that I will have to send the wages over in person. Can not be less."

"Xiang girl is kind. Yesterday we also said that you are a thin-skinned little girl. You are unlucky to meet the rascals and lazy people of the Zhuang family. I didn't expect that God couldn't understand their finesse, so I just scared myself away Yes, it really deserves it."

When Aunt Osmanthus talked about what happened yesterday, her eyes sparkled. At this moment, she heard an exclamation from the top of the mountain.

"Ah, another rabbit has killed itself."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Is it so easy to sit back and wait for a rabbit now?

"Hey, your godmother's family didn't know what kind of luck they had. This seems to be the second rabbit, right?"

Aunt Osmanthus smacked her lips with envy, she had known that she would go to the top of the mountain too, bang bang luck.

"Auntie is busy first, I'll go take a look." Bai Ningxiang smiled, turned and left, and when she reached the top of the mountain, she saw a group of people watching the rabbit.

"No wonder people always call me a silly rabbit. She was really stupid enough to kill herself in a daze, haha..."

"It must be that there are too many of us, and the rabbit was frightened, so we panicked, but we have to be lucky, this time it's done, and we can cook another pot."


(End of this chapter)

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