Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 168 It's Wrong to Look Ugly

Chapter 168 It's Wrong to Look Ugly
Bai Ningxiang made a budget. There are about [-] cuttings in each pond. Even if all of them survive, there are only [-] tea seedlings in Wuchi. It is definitely not enough to plant the entire Xifeng.

So, the next step is to go to the town and buy some tea tree seedlings.

After making the decision, Bai Ningxiang explained to her mother, and took the Bai Wu brothers and sisters directly to the town, and deposited the family's money into the account by the way.

Entering Daba Town, Bai Ningxiang went to Yinzhuang first, except for some scattered silver and the reserved 200 taels of silver bills, all the rest went into the account. Only in this way can she be completely relieved.

As soon as he came out of Huitong Bank, he met Zhao Xian head-on, "Hey, sister Bai, what a coincidence."

Sister Bai?
What about the black sister?
Bai Ningxiang looked at Zhao Xian, and couldn't help shaking the corners of her lips, "Brother Zhao, are you going to Yinzhuang?"

"No, I'm passing by, and I happened to see your guard." Zhao Xian pouted, and Bai Wu stood beside the carriage with a cold expression, it was hard to see him.

"Since I met Big Brother Zhao, I want to ask, where are there tea tree seeds sold, and I want to cultivate a batch of tea seedlings." Bai Ningxiang is familiar with the Zhao family, so asking about such a trivial matter is not troublesome.

"Tea tree seeds, I have them at home." Zhao Xian shook his fan and raised his head habitually, "You don't think my home only sells tea, do you?"

"Huh? Otherwise?" Bai Ningxiang paused. In her previous life, she only paid attention to the Zhao family's teahouse and Chashan, but didn't pay attention to the rest of the industry.

"In addition to running a tea shop, the Zhao family also has a grain store and a grocery store. There are all kinds of grain seeds, vegetable seeds, and of course tea tree seeds in the grocery store."

Generally, not many people buy tea tree seeds, but his family has a tea garden, and there is no shortage of seeds.

"Come on, the shop is on West Street. I'll take you there. Not many people buy tea tree seeds, so there should be some in stock in the shop."

West Street is the place where ordinary people buy things. The Zhao family's grocery store and grain store are all opened there.

Zhao Xian took the lead and walked directly towards West Street, but unfortunately he stopped after taking two steps, his expression was a little uncomfortable, and Bai Ningxiang looked confused.

"Ahem... It's a bit far from the grocery store on West Street, you'd better take a car there."

Bai Ningxiang was stunned for a moment, looking at Zhao Xian's slightly uncomfortable expression, her expression was clear, it turned out that this guy was also careful sometimes.

"Thank you Brother Zhao,"

"Let's go first, I'll be right there." Zhao Xian waved his hands and strode forward.

"Master, do you want to take a carriage?" the attendant scratched his head and asked courteously.

"A few steps away, my young master can still walk."

Zhao Xian squinted at the attendants around him, and suddenly stopped, "You guys look crooked, don't follow me, sister Bai belongs to a girl, so don't cause trouble to her."

Follower: "..."

Seeing the young master's disrespectful steps, the followers wanted to cry but had no tears. Is it their fault for being ugly?
"We were really abandoned by the young master?"

"No, just take a good shower when you turn around, dress cleanly, have a smile on your face, and stop being scary with crooked mouth and squinting eyes."

Zhao Xian's random thought made the followers feel a sense of crisis.

As soon as Bai Ningxiang got off the car at Zhao Ji grocery store, Zhao Xian walked over with a fan.

"go in."

Looking at Zhao Xian's back, Bai Ningxiang smiled gently, and followed in directly. She didn't expect that the second generation ancestor who usually pulls [-] to [-] would also consider others.

(End of this chapter)

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