Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 170 This is the next home

Chapter 170 This is the next home
"Sister Ningxiang, don't misunderstand me. In fact, according to my father's wishes, I won't let me ask questions. It's just that I think that since I'm on the same line, I should speak out openly, instead of hiding and holding the pipa half-hidden. "

"To tell you the truth, my sister, we got General Han's care, and part of the reason is because of my sister's relationship, I have been in your favor, and I always want you to know."

Listening to Zhao Xian's explanation, Bai Ningxiang thought of the plaque that the Zhao family had obtained, and suddenly understood that the brother-in-law had no skills to spare, so entrusting Zhao Jiachao to look after her must have promised a benefit.

The so-called military and civilian family is just a nice word, if the government wants to expropriate the people's things, they have no right to refuse.

Thinking of your kindness, it is the court's intentions, even if you have nothing, what can you do as the people at the bottom?
Thinking about this, Bai Ningxiang bent her lips, "You say that General Han is my righteous brother, the kind who is a life-and-death friend."

Righteous brother?

"So that's the case, thank you Ningxiang sister for clarifying my doubts."

As Zhao Xian said, he saluted Bai Ningxiang respectfully.

In any case, it is impolite to pry into other people's secrets.

"Brother Zhao is being polite. There is nothing to hide." The brother-in-law had already given her a gift in an aboveboard manner, and she also borrowed the prestige of the brother-in-law to save herself a lot of trouble.

The existence of Yibro is simply her talisman, and being exposed will do her no harm.

"Sister Ningxiang is a straightforward person, and the Zhao family is not ambiguous. Since she has agreed to General Han, she does not need to be polite to us in the future, otherwise it will run counter to my original intention."

Zhao Xian heaved a sigh of relief, looking at Bai Ningxiang with sincere smiles in his eyes, privately, he admired this girl's hard work, she gritted her teeth and supported a family by herself.

In public, honoring promises and keeping integrity are also the purpose of the Zhao family's business.

After the matter was settled, the distance between the two of them was shortened a lot. Zhao Xian looked at the girl with clear eyes and gave her a thumbs up.
"To be honest, I admire your courage. If it were me, I might not be as good as you."

It's not that she looks down on women, but that women in this era are all weak and weak. They will cry when encountering little things, panting and sweating profusely after running a little.

Delicate from a good family background, rough from a bad family background, it is really rare to see a girl who is as courageous and resourceful as Ningxiang girl.

"Brother Zhao, you don't need to praise me. This is the situation at home. If I don't work hard, I won't be able to live my life."

Only when people are driven to a desperate situation, will they desperately want to change.

In her situation, if she was a little weaker, there would be no bones left that would be swallowed by her second and third uncles.

Hearing Bai Ningxiang's pointed tone, Zhao Xian nodded. He had already investigated the situation of the Bai family.

"Sure, since that's the case, I won't delay you. If you have something to do, just send someone over to say hello. Don't say anything else. In Daba Town, no one dares not to give the Zhao family a three-pointer."

"Then I will thank Brother Zhao first."

After the two parted, Bai Ningxiang went to the East Street to buy eight of her mother's favorite dishes before driving home.

When passing by an alley, Bai Ningxiang suddenly saw two acquaintances.

One is Jiang Wenxue, and the other is fighting with him to lock Miss Zhang. At this time, the two are standing in the alley, talking affectionately, seeing the girl's shy expression, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help but curl her lips.

Jiang Wenxue has found another home?
(End of this chapter)

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