Chapter 182 What to Do

In order to protect her mother, she shielded herself from all possible harm.

Thinking of this, Bai Ningxiang chuckled faintly, in this life, she might have come here just to be a bad person.

"Let's go, we can get some sleep when we go back."

Bai Wu took the man down, taking advantage of the sparse night, the two figures were stretched for a long time, and slowly disappeared at the entrance of the alley.

Not long after they left, two black shadows fluttered down on the big tree not far away.

Han Jing's deep eyes stared at the direction where the little girl disappeared, and gently raised his hand to caress the position of his heart. When he saw the lonely figure of the little girl just now, he felt uncomfortable in his heart.

It was obvious that this girl stayed up late at night and came out to do bad things, causing people to jump around. She sat on the roof and watched jokes, but she was not happy in the end.

He also felt uncomfortable, which is really strange.

"Master, that person just now is your adopted sister, right? It's saucy..." She was tough.

It's a mouse and a snake, and the girl usually screams when she sees it, but the master's step-sister actually uses it to tease people.

good top~
The boy next to him stared at the empty alley with burning eyes, his excited eyes sparkling.

No wonder the master rushed to this small mountain village overnight after his return. It turns out that the righteous sister is so interesting.

Han Jing looked at Dazhao's sparkling eyes, and pursed the corner of his lower lip, "Have you prepared the Mid-Autumn Festival ceremony?"

"According to the master's instructions, it doesn't need to be expensive, as long as it is practical, food and clothing, everything is available." Hearing the master's cold tone, Da Zhuo immediately withdrew his eyes, stood upright with his head held high, and reported the situation.

"Let's go, early tomorrow morning, let's visit relatives." Last time he left in a hurry, he didn't even have time to say hello to his aunt.

I heard that my aunt has a weak personality, so he has to prepare, don't scare people.

Han Jing glanced at the yard not far ahead, turned and left.

"Master... aren't you going to say hello first?" You came here in the middle of the night just to watch a play?

Ever since his master recognized his righteous sister, Da Zhuo felt that he could no longer figure out what his master was thinking normally.

"Do you think it's appropriate for me to go find my righteous sister in the middle of the night?" Let's not talk about anything else, it is certain that I will scare my aunt.

Han Jing squinted and scratched, and had to admit that the people around him lacked a lot of IQ.

No wonder they were so miserably calculated last time, everyone was so stupid.

Seeing the master's undisguised dislike, he chuckled and said, "Isn't this subordinate excited to see your sister-in-law, or the master is wise and powerful, taking care of the overall situation."

the next day,
Bai Ningxiang still got up early, and after having breakfast with her mother, she loaded the gift box prepared in advance into the carriage, and asked Aunt Deng to go back to her natal home on behalf of her mother.

I went to my grandfather's house with a gift.

When opening up wasteland, the godmother's family made it clear to her that they don't care about the etiquette, and if there is any difficulty, they just come to the door.

She doesn't have to worry too much.

As soon as she entered the courtyard, she saw her godmother, her godmother, talking to some aunts and aunts from several clans. The moment she saw Bai Ningxiang, she immediately greeted her.

"Hey, sister Xiang, come here as soon as you come, why do you still bring so many things, the godmother is going to be angry."

Seeing that the goddaughter and the white tea girl were carrying a basket each, Mrs. Li immediately put on a straight face and glared at her pretending to be angry.

"Godmother, this is the first ceremony for me to recognize my godfather. If you drive me out, I will lose face in the future."

Bai Ningxiang stood obediently, extremely quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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