Chapter 195

Bai Ningxiang looked at her brother-in-law, raised her neck, her eyes were full of confidence.Han Jing felt that he was infected by her.

"From what you said, brother Yi also wants to buy a mountain, grow tea with you, and collect white money together."

"What's so difficult about it? Just buy the mountain, and I'll help you open up wasteland and cultivate tea seedlings. Brother Yi only needs to send a few people to manage it. It won't delay your becoming a general and defending your home and country."

Hearing Brother Yi's mention, Bai Ningxiang's heart moved. In his previous life, Brother Yi had indeed encountered a big hurdle.

It is said that it is related to military pay, but it is also a human calculation.

Because too many people died, brother Yi was also depressed for a while.

At that time, she devoted herself to the Jiang family. Although she cared about her brother-in-law, he was an omnipotent existence in her heart, so she never worried about him.

Besides, with the backing of the Han family and his grandfather's Feng family, most people dare not touch him at all.

But she didn't expect that Mu Xiuyu would be destroyed by Lin Feng, and his brother-in-law held the military power in his hand and had a great reputation, so he was already feared by others.

When the flames of war spread to the Daqing Kingdom, Brother Yi led the army to fight against the enemy as a matter of course, but because the food and grass supplies could not keep up, he was trapped in the city for three months, and his morale was greatly reduced.

Letting the soldiers fight hungry, not to mention the serious casualties, is also full of complaints.

In the end, although there were many ways to turn around, the food and grass were brought in, which still chilled the hearts of the soldiers.

In fact, the military pay issued by the imperial court will never be enough. If you want to stabilize the morale of the army, you have to fill in the vacancy privately.

Because of this, when the enemy army attacked, the righteous brother's army was severely injured and suffered serious casualties.

The righteous brother felt ashamed and surrendered his military power voluntarily, which relieved the king's anger.

Now that I think about it, the opponent planned all of this because of his brother Yi's temper.

If the brother-in-law has enough silver in his hands, even if the military payment is delayed, he can take the place first, and when he returns from victory, all accounts can be settled together.

Although Brother Yi later knew that he was being plotted by others, but when he thought of those brothers who died in front of his eyes, he felt so guilty that he couldn't extricate himself.

I feel that he has implicated the brothers, if he is not too proud and ostentatious, he would not have ruined the lives of so many brothers.

She clearly remembered that after the brother-in-law turned over his military power, he moved out all his private treasury to supply those sacrificed and disabled soldiers.

As for himself, he didn't leave the house for a whole month.

Seeing the high-spirited brother-in-law become like this, she also felt uncomfortable, and she also took out the money she had accumulated in private to help.

During this period, Wang Wenxue took a fancy to the position of Wailang, a member of the household department, and asked her to ask his brother-in-law for help.

Because Yixiong's maternal grandfather is the Minister of the Household Department, and his mother is the eldest daughter of the Shangshu Mansion, so his words carry weight.

At that time, the brother-in-law was at a low point, and she didn't want to add burden to the brother-in-law.

For this reason, Jiang Wenxue didn't come to her yard for half a month.

Later, it was her mother-in-law who called her over. At the beginning, she tried to persuade her, saying that Jiang Wenxue wanted to get the position of the household member Wailang, and his grandfather could do it with just a few words.

She was also angry at the time, so she directly said that the brother-in-law was not feeling well and refused.

Who knew that old lady Jiang burst into tears immediately, slapped her thigh and scolded herself for marrying a white-eyed wolf wife.

He also said that if she, the mother-in-law, hadn't obstructed her in every possible way, don't forget about her wife, with Jiang Wenxue's talent and learning, she would be able to marry a daughter of an aristocratic family immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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