Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 212 Get used to your identity as soon as possible

Chapter 212 Get used to your identity as soon as possible
"I bought the land at the head of the village as soon as possible, and built the house a few years ago, so it won't be crowded when I move in."

Shen nodded, "This arrangement is very good, so our house will be lively."

Shen Shi glanced at Bai Shengnan, shook her head and laughed, since she came in, this girl's eyes have not stopped, looking around, her eyes are full of curiosity, she even secretly reached out and touched the chair beside her, muttering What an antique.

Bai Shengnan followed her into the yard, his eyes still looking around curiously, helplessly,
"If you're curious, let Baicha take you around the village. Our Bashan Village is ordinary, but fortunately it has beautiful mountains and rivers." It's not a good habit to look around in their place.

"Okay, okay... Then why don't you give me a new name?"

Bai Shengnan was curious. She really didn't dare to compliment the ancient people's thinking. She would kneel down every now and then.

"You want to change your name?" As far as she knew, her mother gave her the name Bai Shengnan, so she still cared about it.

Bai Shengnan shook his head. When he was born, people in his grandfather's family didn't seem to like her very much, so his mother gave her such a name, although there was an element of anger.But all over her, only this name was left to her by her parents.

Looking at the sadness in her eyes, Bai Ningxiang said helplessly, "It's already here, I advise you to adapt to life here as soon as possible."

"No matter how unconvinced and unwilling you are, you have to understand that the fittest survive."

This girl has a lot of deviant things in her heart, she didn't care about her in her previous life, but in this life, she wants her to live well.

"You haven't experienced my suffering, so you can't understand my mood. Although the chicken soup for the soul you gave is very good, I still want to follow my own mind."

Bai Shengnan pursed his lips, his eyes were unusually persistent.

"Don't worry, for the sake of saving me, I will help you create value. But I also hope that you will give me enough freedom and not interfere with my life."

"Are you free now? Don't forget, your contract is in my hands."

Bai Ningxiang shook her head, now she finally knew how this guy killed herself.

Bai Shengnan: "..."

Damn, I almost forgot, she sold herself.

"So, you are not qualified to negotiate terms with me now, because I can sell you again anytime and anywhere."

This damn girl, she thought she was the heroine if she didn't give a damn.

Thinking of Yaxing's dark life, Bai Sheng boy shuddered, "Don't...everything is negotiable."

People have to bow their heads under the roof.

"No need to discuss, I will let you adapt to life here immediately. If I am still not satisfied within a month, I can only apologize."

After Bai Ningxiang finished speaking, she called Baicha directly, "Take her out for a walk and get familiar with the environment in the village."

Bai Cha looked at the girl's serious eyes, then at Bai Shengnan, "Let's go."

Bai Shengnan stared at Bai Ningxiang with his mouth pursed. After a while, he was finally discouraged and followed Baicha out the door.

Han Jing looked at the confrontation between the two, his eyes flickered slightly, the righteous sister was really different to this weird woman.

Watching the figures of the two disappear, Bai Ningxiang sighed silently, and sat opposite her righteous brother.

"That girl refuses to be disciplined. Xiangxiang can directly use it to establish her prestige as a servant. Since she can't even recognize her identity, she will be a disaster in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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