Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 218 Do you want me to help you?

Chapter 218 Do You Want Me To Help You?

Mrs. Liu glared at Bai Ningxiang, the daughter was ashamed, and she didn't get any benefits. Apart from cursing this bitch, there was nothing else she could do.

Bai Ningxiang looked at Liu Shi, and sneered, "There is a god standing three feet above the head, whoever does something wrong will be beaten by Lei Gong. Would you like to bet with me, Third Aunt?"

Liu's face turned pale, and she stomped her feet, "You are a lunatic, I don't have the same knowledge as you."

Saying that, he ran away in a hurry.

Bai Ningxiang stood in the yard with a cold expression, "You all come out."

After several people stood side by side, Bai Ningxiang looked at them coldly,

"You must have seen the situation today. I don't want to explain what's superfluous, but you all need to remember one thing. Apart from my mother and my unborn brother, there is no fourth master in this family. Do you understand?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and today I heard from Aunt Deng that the girl obviously still has a grandmother.

At this moment, Bai Shengnan stood up, "Don't worry, girl, I, Bai Shengnan, only recognize you as my master in this life, and I only listen to you alone, and I will follow you through life and death."

When the others heard this, they reassured them again and again, and at the same time they also had confidence in their hearts. The relationship between the girl and the other families was not good, even very bad. Therefore, they only need to take good care of the three masters in the family in the future.

"Don't worry, girl, we have no two hearts."

"I hope you will do what you say, and don't be affected by superficial things. Also, I hope that you will be rotten in your stomach for anything that happens at home. If you let me know who is chewing the master's tongue behind your back, directly Sell ​​it, nothing else."

Everyone's face turned pale, and they lowered their heads subconsciously. The girl's age was obviously very young, but it made them dare not make mistakes.


"Okay, let's go, what should we do?"

Bai Ningxiang rubbed Baicha's head, "You did a good job just now, I know to stop Madam."

"Hehe, this servant knows that the girl can handle it, so of course there is no need for the lady to sit in charge." Baicha smiled humbly, but she was actually afraid that the lady's plan would be messed up if the lady came out.

"Well done, I will reward you with mooncakes later, if one is not enough, then two."

"Thank you, girl." The little girl's world is very simple, there is everything to eat.

Bai Shengnan took a step closer secretly, and smiled cheekily, "I... the servant just showed his loyalty, how about it, are you sincere enough?"

"Sincerity doesn't just come from words, I have to see your performance. Besides, today's disaster was also caused by you." Bai Ningxiang gave her a white look, and snorted angrily.

"They're making excuses, and I'm obviously being used." Bai Shengnan felt guilty, and couldn't help but defend himself.

"If you don't give the other party a chance, how can they take advantage of you? It's because you are not rigorous enough to let the other party take advantage of it."

Bai Ningxiang slapped her magical hand away, and now she knows how to curry favor with her.

Bai Shengnan opened his mouth, well, it was indeed her reason.

But this sister Bai Ningxiang is really powerful, she made the mother and daughter feel ashamed, and even dared to tear the clothes of other girls, even if the yard is full of women, she is brave enough.

She decided that, apart from the grace of saving her life, as long as she is still living here, she will be recognized as the boss.

"Reflect on yourself."

Bai Ningxiang took a look at her expression and felt satisfied. Fortunately, Bai Ruyan came over to make a fuss, otherwise, this girl would still be a fool.

(End of this chapter)

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