Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 229: Plan for Your Future

Chapter 229: Plan for Your Future

These days, it is common to marry high and low.

With the promotion of a nobleman, the descendants of the Bai family can enter the official career smoothly. It won't take long for the family of the Bai family to change their appearance.

After completely calming down, the old lady stared at Liu Shi and asked sharply.

"You went to provoke her." As for Bai Ruyan, she was directly ignored by her. After all, she is her granddaughter, she looks good, and she might have a good future in the future.

"How could we dare to provoke that evil star without your permission?"

Liu's guilt flashed for a while, seeing her mother-in-law's aggressive eyes, she gritted her teeth and didn't dare to admit it.

Seeing Mrs. Liu's appearance, the old lady closed her eyes, "Sister Yan, go find your second uncle."

Bai Ruyan didn't know what grandma meant, but she still nodded obediently, "Grandmother wait a moment, I'll call Erbo here."

Mrs. Liu blinked, and asked excitedly, "Mother, have you figured it out, and think that 20 taels is too little? Do you want sister-in-law to add more money?"

Old Bai: "..."

This stupid woman with shallow eyelids, what does she want a few taels of silver for?
How much silver can compare to the grandson's future?
Looking at her occasionally shaking hands, Lao Bai was startled, she had to make a good plan for herself.

It can't be done, and it's still being grinded.

Speaking of the first, Lao Bai is still selfish and cold-blooded in his bones, subconsciously, the first thing that comes to mind is always his own interests.

The second bai will arrive soon, and Meng Shi is worried, so she follows her. She knows the good face of the head of the family, and she is not as thick-skinned as the third bai, and sometimes it is easy to suffer.

"Mother, what are your orders for calling your son?"

The old lady opened her squinted eyes and made up her mind.

"Cough, second child, after your eldest brother has gone, I should give you the second room to live in, but seeing the third child struggle with Liu's life, I want to come over and help."

"Living with the third child these days, instead of helping them, my mother made them more and more courageous and disobedient. Mother feels that there is no point in living here anymore. You go back and clean up for me. I will move in to live with you at night."

Liu: "..."

Mengshi: "..."

It was Bai Er who was the first to react, he looked at his wife with complicated eyes, and there was also the smell of medicinal soup in the air.

"Mother, the third brother is like this now, if you go with your son, what if the third brother gets into trouble?"

"Well, the third child is lawless just because his mother is here. If his mother is gone, he will naturally live in peace."

The old lady closed her eyes. What happened these days really made her a lot older.

At this moment, there was an extremely sad roar from the next room.

"Mother, do you think that my son is useless and think that I am a burden and don't want a son anymore?"

Although Bai Laosan's legs were still not healed, when he saw someone coming from the family, he recruited Sister Yan.

Bai Ruyan didn't expect that this was the purpose of her grandmother asking her to find her second uncle?
He didn't need his father to call, he ran over and told the matter.

As a result, Bai Laosan immediately became angry, roaring and yelling, fully displaying the posture of a rascal.

Not to mention the entire yard, even the neighbors around were not spared.

However, everyone has long been used to the shouts from the Bai family from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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