Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 243 The Goddess Was Frightened

Chapter 243 The Goddess Was Frightened
After sending the godmother home, Bai Ningxiang originally wanted to warn her, but seeing her pale face, she couldn't say anything. After all, this was the first time she had encountered such a thing, and she couldn't bear it.

The patriarch and his wife were sitting in the courtyard and chatting. Not only were they unhappy when they saw their daughter-in-law coming back, but they also had ugly faces, and they were all puzzled.

"Boss daughter-in-law, what's the matter with you?"

"But what's wrong with Miss Xiang?"

Listening to her mother-in-law and father-in-law's inquiry, Mrs. Li shook her head and nodded again, which made the old man and the old lady faint.

Li Shi looked at the yard, closed the gate, and moved a bench for herself. She was afraid that she would faint if she couldn't support herself.

"Mother, it's like this. We went to find Master Li and everything went well, and we signed the paperwork. It's just that Sister Xiang is worried about her mother and wants to invite the best stable woman in town..."

Mrs. Li didn't hide it, she just said everything she saw and heard. There was such a cruel woman nestled next to her. If they didn't guard against it in the future, they might be killed one day.

Listening to his wife's narration, the old patriarch and his wife looked at each other, both of them were shocked, "Is what you said true?"

This is not a simple prank, it's a blatant murder of money.

"Father, how dare I lie about such a big matter? Xiang Yatou also said that yesterday she saw Mrs. Meng taking her daughter to the town, and the blue floral cloth covering the basket was different from what Mrs. Zhao said."

Mrs. Li slowed down, patted her face, her eyes were a little red, she was indeed frightened,
"Xiang girl asked me at the time, if something happened to Mrs. Shen, what would happen to her family's property?"

The patriarch couple: "..."

The hand of the patriarch holding the dry pipe trembled for a long time, but he failed to light it, and finally knocked directly on the leg of the bench.

"It's simply presumptuous. The Bai clan cannot have such scum."

"There's a man-eating wolf hiding by my side. Mrs. Meng looks gentle, how could she be so cruel?" Seeing her daughter-in-law's pale face, the old lady trembled in her heart.

Fortunately, they don't have much contact with each other. If they accidentally offend, they won't know who did it if they are killed one day.

The patriarch calmed down, "I'll go to Sister Xiang and ask her. If the Meng clan is really ambitious and dares to kill people, our Bai clan won't tolerate her."

"Old man, I'll go with you." The old lady nodded, usually she didn't look up and look down, so she had to make sure.

When Bai Ningxiang saw the clan elders and elders, she thought of her godmother, so she knew why they came.

Shen didn't know the inside story, it was rare to see the patriarch personally come to the door, and quickly asked Aunt Deng to serve tea,

"Uncle, uncle, you are rare visitors, why are you free to come here today? Sit down quickly, do you have any instructions to sit down and have a cup of tea?"

The patriarch glanced at her and nodded, "Mr. Shen, you don't need to be busy. Sit down. I heard that Xiangyao Yao built a new house. I'm not at ease with your aunt. Come and have a look. If you need any help, you are welcome. .”

"In addition to being the patriarch of the Bai clan, I'm also Jianwen's uncle, and I'm also the grandfather of Xiangyou. I'm not far from each other."

"Hey~, my niece and daughter-in-law understand."

Listening to the patriarch's words, Shen's eyes turned a little bit, and she nodded excitedly. Since the death of her husband, those members of the Bai family have regarded their mother and daughter as burdens, and no one has regarded them as relatives for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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