Chapter 268

"Mother, I finally gave birth to this brother. He will be my and Xiangxiang's reliance in the future, so I don't want him to be disliked by the elders as soon as he is born."

Hearing her daughter's tone, old Shen's eyelids twitched, "What do you think?"

"I want Xiangxiang to bring a gift to announce the good news to my mother-in-law in person. In this way, my mother-in-law will be more honored, and she will naturally have to come and see my son..."

Before my daughter could finish speaking, she was interrupted by old Shen, "Yun'er, why are you so confused? No wonder I saw that Sister Xiang's face was not very good just now. Do you know that you are poking her heart again? ah?"

It's not a day that the two families are fighting each other. Now that Sister Xiang is going there in person, what's the difference between admitting her mistake and being soft?
The mother-in-law's face was round, and her daughter's face was trampled down by her mother-in-law's family together.

Shen's face turned red, her eyes turned red with grievance,

"After all, it's all a family. She asked Aunt Deng to bring two red eggs and a pack of brown sugar to announce the good news. Isn't it a joke for outsiders? If the master of the family doesn't show up, my mother-in-law will definitely not want to see my brother."

Old Shen looked at her daughter speechlessly, she was already a mother, why didn't she improve at all.

After breathing for a while, old Shen pulled a chair for herself and sat down, she was afraid that she would lose her breath in a while.

"Yesterday you gave birth. What a dangerous scene. Sister Xiang looked steady, and the handkerchief in her hand seemed to be dripping with sweat. She might be so scared. The patriarch's wife and her godmother came here uninvited, saying it was for you Sitting in town, I was actually afraid that girl Xiang would not be able to stand alone, so I came to help."

"After all, she's a girl, no matter how sensible she is, she's only good enough."

Listening to her mother's narration, Shen's face turned pale, and she opened her mouth, but didn't say anything.

Seeing her daughter like this, old Shen's heart sank,

"They all live in the same village. Your mother-in-law lives closer to the patriarch's house. I didn't see your mother-in-law. Even if she didn't come yesterday, do you have to come and have a look today? After all, she is the grandson of the old Bai family. "

"Let's not talk about adults, even a child didn't come over to take a look. At this moment, can't you see clearly who is kissing whom?"

"Her grandmother's behavior chilled Xiangyao's heart, so she asked Aunt Deng to go for a walk, and told her clearly that it was just to save face. Xiangyao did this to complain for you, you can't see it ?”

When someone else's daughter-in-law gets mixed up to this point, the mother-in-law doesn't like it, the sister-in-law doesn't love her, and she can't stand up by herself, so she has to help her vent her anger.

Alas, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be doting on it. If I lose my temper a bit, I won't tell the difference?

Hearing her mother's tone, Shen's face turned pale, and she covered her face and wept,
"I don't know, I don't want to hurt Xiangxiang's heart, I just want my brother to be liked by the elders."

"Hey, she is the mother of two children. Why cry? Sister Xiang will not let her only brother be stained. She has already brought a gift to visit the patriarch's wife and her mother."

Old Shen sighed heavily, looked at her daughter's expectant eyes,
"Don't think about what you have. Last night, the patriarch's mother-in-law and your mother-in-law and I were the ones who were worried about you. If you want to care, you have to ask us what happened first? Instead of asking a mother-in-law who didn't even show her face."

Oops, I'm dying, why didn't she find out before that the girl is so stupid?
Why can't I understand, getting on the pole is not a business!

(End of this chapter)

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