Chapter 283 Uninvited
"Okay, just do as mother said, but we have to choose a date, move to a new house, live there in advance, and prepare for the banquet."

Shen nodded, flipped through the almanac,
"It's the end of winter now. The second day of the twelfth lunar month is a good day. How about choosing that day?"

"Okay, listen to mother's arrangement." On such trivial matters, Bai Ningxiang fully respected her mother's opinion.

After the date is set, the house starts to be packed. What needs to be packed is packed, what needs to be loaded is loaded into the car. Although the new house is new, the usual things have to be delivered in advance.

Especially Bai Ningxiang's several camphorwood boxes, Bai Wu personally escorted them, and moved them to Bai Ningxiang's warehouse with Zhao Dahai.

After working hard for four full days, all the big things were removed, only some soft things were held by the maids, and they went in with the firecrackers to make a formality.

In order to celebrate moving to a new home, Bai Ningxiang specially invited her godmother's family, Huatian's family, Aunt Guihua's family, and a few neighbors who are close friends on weekdays, to help them come over to add popularity, just set up two or three tables for fun.

After settling in, Bai Ningxiang took her godmother and a group of people to visit inside and out, and the people who watched praised it repeatedly.

"Oh, my God, Miss Xiang, your yard is the first in the village, even the head of the village is not as grand as yours."

Aunt Osmanthus strolled around, smacking her lips, her eyes full of envy.If she could live in such a magnificent house in her life, she would be willing to live three years less.

"That is Xiang girl who is capable and filial. She is the leader inside and out. Let alone the sisters in our village, they are brothers. How many can catch up?"

"The patriarch's wife is right. Sister Xiang is a good one. I am very envious. If my two girls are as good as her, I can wake up from my dreams with laughter."

Aunt Hua shook her handkerchief, smiled and praised

Bai Ningxiang twitched the corners of her lips, looking at the rosy faces of the two Huatian sisters, she couldn't help being happy,
"Grandmother, Aunt Hua is teasing me. I have two baby sisters, so I don't know how to have fun secretly."

In a word, everyone laughed, and the atmosphere was unprecedentedly good.

Until Qiuniang came to report that the banquet had been set, and the patriarch and several elders were all present.

Shen smiled gently, "Xiangxiang, you take everyone to sit in the front yard first, and mother will arrange your brother well before coming over."

"Mother just leave brother Xing to sister-in-law Chunmei to watch over. There are many people in front, so as not to disturb you." The hundred-day banquet has not passed yet, so we can't take the little guy out.

As soon as everyone passed through the Moon Gate, they heard a loud laugh,

"Heck... Sister Xiang moved to a new house. This is a great happy event. I have to come to feel happy no matter what."

While speaking, Mrs. Sun had brought in several sisters and brothers.

Seeing Sun's demeanor, everyone didn't notice, and their faces were full of helplessness. When Sister Xiang came to invite someone, she had already explained that moving to a new house was not a big deal, and they waited for the warm pot hundred-day banquet together.

Fortunately, Mrs. Sun came here uninvited, carrying ten eggs, and brought the whole family.

They were all guests, and Bai Ningxiang still greeted them with a smile on her face. She prepared a lot of food, and it was just one meal, so she could still take care of it.

"Auntie, the banquet is about to start, please sit inside."

"Oh, isn't this a coincidence? Auntie's happiness is well worth it."

(End of this chapter)

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