Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 303 Sending an Invitation to Grandmother

Chapter 303 Sending an Invitation to Grandmother
She has been reborn and has successfully avoided many things, so the trajectory of this life must be different from the previous life.

Lou Qingping plans to live here this time, and he has prepared more than half a carriage for the items alone.As soon as the hour came, they followed the crowd out of the county and drove all the way to Bashan Village.

When she got home, she was just in time for lunch, and when she saw Lou Qingping following directly, she was so happy that she could not close her mouth from ear to ear. It was such a reassuring thing to have a gynecologist by her side.

Now that there are many rooms in the house, Bai Ningxiang directly arranged people in the east wing of the second courtyard, and added some things, which are spacious and comfortable.

After the lunch break, Bai Ningxiang took her around the house.

Lou Qingping couldn't help but praise, "It's really good, it's easy to get in and out, even going up the mountain, you don't need to detour."

"I also bought the vacant land next door. I plan to build a factory building. It's close and easy to manage." Bai Ningxiang pointed to the surrounding vacant land, her eyes sparkling.

"You are a caring person, and you are also a gifted person. To be honest, Aunt Ping admires your courage." Lou Qingping looked at Bai Ningxiang's unusually bright big eyes, and said sincerely.

It's a life full of ups and downs. At that time, she just wanted to escape and didn't want to face it. Now that she thinks about it, she always has regrets in her heart.

If she had had the courage to fight, would the ending be different?
But how did she know about Bai Ningxiang's previous experiences?

After breakfast the next day, Bai Ningxiang prepared some souvenirs, took the invitation and went to her grandmother's place.

"Boss, shall I go with you?" If someone makes things difficult for her, she can help her.

"I can do it by myself, to send an invitation, not to fight."

Bai Ningxiang smiled, she just moved to a new house, if she took the girl to deliver posts, maybe people would say she was showing off.

It's not worthwhile to cause trouble for nothing.

It was Bai Ruyan who opened the door. When she saw Bai Ningxiang, she was obviously stunned, "Why are you here? Our family temple is small, and I'm afraid it won't be able to accommodate your big Buddha."

"You're right, it really can't be tolerated, I'm just passing by, just for a formality." Bai Ningxiang was stunned for a moment, then chuckled.

Bai Ruyan snorted, turned and left, but did not stop her.

Entering the main room, seeing the old lady sitting cross-legged on the arhat bed, squinting her eyes and resting her mind, fiddling with beads in her hand, seeing her come in, she only raised her eyelids.

"Grandmother Ann, on the [-]th of this month, my brother's hundred-day banquet and hot pot banquet will be held together. I will send you an invitation card. If you are interested, please come. If you see our mother and daughter, you will feel unhappy." , it’s okay not to go.”

"By the way, my younger brother's name has already been decided. His name is Bai Xingyu, nicknamed Brother Xing."

Bai Ningxiang looked at the old lady, since she didn't pay attention to her, she was not polite, and directly pointed out the reason for her visit.

Hearing Bai Ningxiang's tone, Mrs. Bai paused for a while while holding the beaded hand, and then fiddled with the beading as if nothing had happened.

She didn't speak quietly until Bai Ningxiang felt that she would not speak and was about to leave.

"Is this how you invite people?"

Hearing her grandmother's tone, Bai Ningxiang froze for a moment, then laughed,
"Grandmother, it's hard for our family to get to this point in one or two sentences. As the old saying goes, it doesn't take a day to freeze three feet, and the gap between us is irresolvable. Just get by."

(End of this chapter)

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