Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 313 After all, she missed it

Chapter 313 After all, she missed it

During the period, Lao Bai came to visit. This time, she did not play the family card, but came to inquire about the situation.

"I heard that you want to collect green tea? Are you going to use it yourself or buy it for the Zhao family?"

Bai Ningxiang looked at her grandmother and smiled, sure enough, she should have guessed it from the look in her eyes.

"This year, I'm going to make my own tea."

"You started making tea last year, right?" Lao Bai was shocked, but couldn't help wondering, how did she learn how to make tea?

"It seems that my grandmother has already guessed it. However, there is one thing that my grandmother didn't guess right. I started to learn how to make tea a long time ago. Last year, my family was special, so I had to fight it out, so God treated me well. , I succeeded, and in exchange for my current life.”

Seeing the light in her granddaughter's eyes, Lao Bai felt a little dazed. She had only seen this kind of confidence in the old man.

"You know how to make tea yourself, why have you kept it a secret? If you had said it earlier, it wouldn't have..."

Before Lao Bai could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Bai Ningxiang,

"Grandmother, when I was learning how to make tea, I never deliberately concealed it. It's just that you didn't care about it at first. As for last year, grandma thought I shouldn't hide it?"

Speaking of this, Bai Ningxiang looked at her grandmother's guilty eyes, and lowered her expression,

"I don't want to keep talking about what happened to you last year, but if grandma blames you, please think again. After all, I didn't harm other people's interests. It's much more open and aboveboard than my second uncle and third uncle wanting to leave half of us in the name of helping." .”

Lao Bai: "Forget it, the past is over, and grandma doesn't want to mention it again."

"Grandmother's words are right. Since you can't be a relative, it's not bad to be an ordinary neighbor."

Bai Ningxiang's meaning was very clear, she didn't want to have anything to do with the second and third.

Lao Bai choked, she knew she was in the wrong, and she didn't make the last extravagant wish,
"Since you want to collect tea greens, your second uncle and third uncle always want to sell tea greens. You just need to collect them at the market price. No matter how much you don't want to admit it, they are also your father's brothers."

Bai Ningxiang looked at her grandmother's reddish face, and gave a snort,
"It turned out to be because of this. Grandma can rest assured that as long as they come to sell tea greens and the tea they pick meets my requirements, they will naturally not be turned away. But if they have the intention of deceiving and shoddy, I will Don't care about human kindness."

"You don't need to be special, just fair and reasonable." Lao Bai glanced at her and snorted coldly.

"I am relieved to have my grandmother's words, and I also ask my grandmother to convey my meaning to the past. If I find out that it is a second-best one, I will not accept all the green tea in the future."

It's not that she is cruel, but that those people are not worthy of her trust.

Lao Bai didn't want to stay for a moment. At such an age, she still bowed her head in front of her grandchildren. Is there a grandmother who is more miserable than her in the world?

Standing at the gate, looking back at the spacious and bright courtyard and the tall gate building, Lao Bai sighed in his heart, after all, she missed it.

After her grandmother suggested, Bai Ningxiang handed over the task of purchasing Chaqing to Xiaonan, and also focused on the personalities of Liu Shi and Meng Shi, and asked her to filter them carefully.

To be honest, it's easy to say anything, but if they want to play tricks, they are in the wrong place.

As for herself, she was going to pick the treasure of the mountain.

Regarding that tea tree, Bai Ningxiang didn't want to pretend to be someone else.

 I came back a little late yesterday, I didn’t save the manuscript, and I’m posting it now... There are four more chapters~
(End of this chapter)

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