Chapter 334
Listening to Xu Yingniang's tone, Bai Ningxiang no longer knew what to say.

At this moment, a laugh came from the door, "Haha... Yingniang is right, Miss Bai has a precious character, and Xu admires it from the bottom of her heart."

Seeing Xu Lichang walk in stroking his beard, Bai Ningxiang stood up, "Come to bother Xu Lichang again."

"Hehe, Xu hopes that you will come here often. You are about the same age as Yingniang, so you should have something to talk to."

Li Chang Xu looked at Bai Ningxiang, the more he liked Bai Ningxiang, the more he felt pity in his heart, if he was a brother, he would definitely be able to fight for his official career, maybe he could be promoted as Li Zhang.

Seeing Xu Lichang's eyes of relief and pity, Bai Ningxiang was speechless.

Seeing Bai Ningxiang's expression, Xu Yingniang on the side smiled, "Father, don't embarrass Miss Bai, she is a person who does great things, how can she be like her daughter, who can only embroider and grow vegetables every day when she has nothing to do."

Xu Lichang was taken aback for a moment, thinking of the situation of the Bai family, it was indeed as the girl said, she couldn't be free at all.

"Miss Bai is here this time?"

"I'd like to trouble Chief Xu to find out how much open space there is at the entrance of the village, and what the price is. If it's suitable, I'm going to buy it." She was a little uncomfortable talking about family relationships with people she didn't know very well.

Hearing Xu Lichang's inquiry, he immediately explained his purpose.

Xu Lichang looked at her, regretting again in his heart, but he turned around and went into the room, took out the record book,
"Excluding the more than three acres of homestead you bought, there are still sixteen acres left. The official price is sixty-two acres. This is not a small amount. Do you want to buy them all?"

Bai Ningxiang was silent for a while, and the price was the same as the homestead he bought last time, "Mr. Xu, I bought it all at once, can't it be cheaper?"

"This? The homestead is different from the fertile land. It was originally prepared for the children and grandchildren of the village. No one has bought so many at one time. But I can go to the town office to ask for you. How about the answer tomorrow morning?"

Xu Lichang looked at the little girl in front of him, it was his job, and it was not difficult to sell well.

"Thank you Chief Xu for taking your trouble."

After the matter was over, Bai Ningxiang said goodbye and left. Xu Yingniang enthusiastically sent her to the village, and she was still a little reluctant to leave. She wanted to make friends with a person who could be praised repeatedly by her father, but the two had different preferences. Come.

"Sister Yingniang, why are you here?" As soon as the words fell, a little girl turned around from the side path with a basket on her shoulders, and behind her was a young man carrying a burden.

The two look alike, both with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

"Sister Sunflower, Brother Maokang, are you going to the fields?" Xu Yingniang looked at the two of them and greeted them with a smile.

Xu Maokang?
Hearing the name Xu Yingniang called out, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help but look over. She had thick eyebrows and big eyes, and was not short in stature. She looked like a simple and honest farmer, which was in line with what Bai Ruyan said.

Xu Maokang looked at the girls and greeted him, and they were all girls' homes, so he automatically moved away a little, and found that Bai Ningxiang glanced at him, blushed and smiled, and then turned his head away.

Judging by his reaction, he probably doesn't know himself, but his character is pretty good.

Thinking of this, Bai Ningxiang was a little puzzled. Looking at Bai Ruyan's angry and unwilling expression, it didn't seem like she was telling a lie. Could it be that the man's parents are going to marry blindly?
This Xu Maokang doesn't know at all?

(End of this chapter)

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