Chapter 336
Shen took Brother Xing with a nervous expression, stood up and left, stopped suddenly after a few steps, and looked at her mother-in-law apologetically.

"Mother, forgive me, Brother Xing is still young, so he can't be hungry..."

Lao Bai flicked the beads in his hand, rolled his eyelids, "It's nothing, my brother is important."

"Thank you, mother, for your understanding." Shi Chen glared at her daughter reproachfully, and finally left quickly with Brother Xing in her arms.

Lao Bai looked at his daughter-in-law's back, his brows were throbbing with anger, Bai Ningxiang took a sip from the teacup, then turned to look at Qiuniang and Xia Yu,

"You go to the backyard to serve, you are not needed in the front yard."

"Yes, Miss." Qiu Niang blessed her body, and left with Xia Yu, with an extremely respectful demeanor.

"I don't know if Grandma has any questions, but it doesn't matter."

"I heard from Sister Yan that you want to receive summer tea?" Lao Bai felt that if she followed this girl, she might not live long, but she still had to deal with business.

"That's right. I also have requirements for the quality of my summer tea. It must be one bud and one leaf, one bud and two leaves, and at most one bud and three leaves. No matter how rough it is, I won't harvest it."

Bai Ningxiang looked at her grandmother, and stated her thoughts again,
"I hope grandma will continue to urge my second and third uncles to control the quality. If it doesn't meet my standards, even if you pick it back, I won't accept it."

"Of course, if you cherish the tea trees and don't want to pick them, I won't stop them. It's all voluntary."

Lao Bai looked at his granddaughter speechlessly, and asked her to bring up everything, so what else did he say?
"In the past, we didn't have the habit of picking summer tea. Grandma was a little worried when you suddenly bought summer tea. The quality of summer tea is not as good as spring tea. You must not shoddy it and ruin your reputation."

Lao Bai glanced at Bai Ningxiang, held the beads in his hand, and reminded in a deep voice.

"Grandmother, don't worry, I cherish my feathers more than anyone else, so naturally I won't discredit them easily."

Bai Ningxiang frowned, she became more patient,

"Summer tea grows fast, and there is a lot of rain. The taste is not as good as spring tea, so I asked for picking techniques and picking specifications. Summer tea also has its own unique taste. As long as the craftsmanship is good, the dry tea produced can also become a good product. .”

"As for the price of summer tea, I won't let you suffer. It's ten copper coins per catty lower than spring tea. It's my first time trying it. I'm not sure about the result. You just know what's in your mind. Don't talk to me again. Bargaining, if you feel uncomfortable, don’t pick it, and it’s the same when I go to other mountains to collect it.”

Listening to his granddaughter emphasizing from time to time that their relationship is not good, it is best not to be arrogant, etc., Lao Bai's heart is filled with embarrassment.

But she was at fault, and couldn't say anything to refute, so she could only nod stiffly,

"Okay, I'll ask your second uncle and third uncle to deliver Chaqing later, and you just need to check and accept it."

Fortunately, summer tea grows fast, so as long as it is picked properly and maintained in autumn and winter, it will not have any effect.

Seeing that her grandmother was about to leave, Bai Ruyan immediately became anxious before mentioning the matchmaker.

"Grandmother, you haven't told your cousin about the matchmaker, but they keep asking about her."

Lao Bai glanced at his eldest granddaughter, cleared his throat,
"Sister Xiang, I know that you are a strong person, and I also know that Mrs. Chen can't be your master, so I won't ask her. There are no outsiders here. Tell grandma what you plan to do with your life. of?"

(End of this chapter)

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