Chapter 339 Calculation
At the beginning, although it was a little awkward, after a long time, he found that his savior seemed to be different from other girls, and he didn't make him do anything embarrassing.

Moreover, she is very obedient, smart and capable, not at all as arrogant and domineering as the daughter of the aristocratic family, with her nostrils turned to the sky.

Now, he discovered a little more that his adopted sister was very courageous and dared to tease him.

What was even more irritating was himself, who didn't dislike her teasing at all.

He was as excited as if he had a rabbit in his heart, and faintly wanted her to continue teasing... When he had this thought in his mind, even he was startled.

After staying in the county for two days, he couldn't bear it any longer, and desperately wanted to see his righteous sister, the girl who boldly teased him.

Fortunately, that girl was still keeping her filial piety and would not do anything out of the ordinary. Taking this opportunity, he asked himself to stay by her side and wait for her filial piety to end.

Thinking of the plan in his heart, Han Jing looked at Bai Ningxiang with a very gentle look in his eyes, "Why don't you sleep so late?"

"I asked Ding Yang to go out to do some errands, and I'm waiting for her to come back. Has Brother Yi eaten? Do you want someone to cook for you?"

Bai Ningxiang looked at the lonely appearance of the master and servant, suddenly felt pitiful and wanted to laugh.

"No, I bought some food and a jug of sake on the way back. Would you like to have some together?" Han Jing raised the oiled paper bag in his hand and walked away from her to the living room of the main room.

Seeing the little girl's normal expression, he was silently relieved, afraid that she would not be able to answer her questions.

Bai Ningxiang shook her head, went to the kitchen and asked Qiuniang to order two bowls of chicken noodle soup.

Back in the front hall, I saw that Han Jing had already arranged the food and drink, a roast chicken, a pack of beef, and a pack of salt and pepper peas.

"Would you like a drink?"

Han Jing took a sip of her wine, tore a chicken leg and put it in front of her, "Some rules are for outsiders to see, as long as you know your heart and filial piety in your heart."

Hearing the tone of Yixiong, Bai Ningxiang smiled, "I have known this for a long time, the world is impermanent, and we should always think more about the living."

According to the rules, during the period of filial piety, one must stay at home and not go out, wear plain clothes and vegetarian food, and cut off entertainment and communication to show mourning.

If she had been rigidly following the rules, she would have been ashes long ago.

Han Jing looked at the little girl's transparent eyes and gave her admiration, "The sage has a saying that rituals can be practiced because rituals are based on people's hearts and benevolence, as long as benevolence remains unchanged."

The two chatted without saying a word, Bai Ningxiang ate a chicken leg, but didn't drink any wine.

Until a figure flashed at the door, Ding Yang came back.

"Come in and talk."

Bai Ningxiang immediately sat up straight and wiped her hands with a handkerchief. "Have you found anything?"

Ding Yang nodded, looked at the master in front of him, and pursed the corners of his lips.

Han Jing: "..."

Is this turning your face ruthless?Anyway, train her up.

Bai Ningxiang was happy, "It's okay, let's talk."

"My subordinates have found out clearly that Xu Danian and his wife gave birth to two boys and one girl. The eldest Xu Maokang, the second child Xu Maocheng, and the third child Xu Kuihua. Xu's family heard that the girl's dowry is rich, so they moved their minds. Moreover, this idea was proposed by Xu Maocheng of."

Bai Ningxiang raised her eyebrows, the younger brother worried about his elder brother's marriage beyond his parents?What a surprise.

Ding Yang glanced at the girl, and said in a deep voice, "Xu Maokang's maternal ancestor's home is Mengjia Village."

Bai Ningxiang was taken aback, isn't Second Aunt from Mengjia Village?

(End of this chapter)

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