Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 347 Seeing you the most embarrassed

Chapter 347 Seeing you the most embarrassed
Before going out, Aunt Chen held her hand and asked her to come to town more often, she was very enthusiastic.

Bai Ningxiang laughed, "Aunt Chen, the family is busy recently, so I'm afraid I won't be able to come out from time to time. However, I'll come and see you when I'm free. By the way, I'll take care of your happiness. I'll let my younger brother get a champion in the exam and change the family."

"Oh, that's a good relationship. Let me tell you, this is really mysterious. Ever since Brother Yuan was in high school, I feel relaxed, everything goes smoothly, and it tastes good."

Aunt Chen said, slapping her thigh, "Bring your brother here later, and play with me for a few days. The old lady will not tell lies, I think there is a destiny between us."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Aunt Chen is a person who is in good spirits on happy occasions, so she usually forgets about it. Now everyone knows that the Chen family has a Jinshi, and her ranking is still high.
She just said a few polite words, can she take it seriously?
"Old woman, what are you talking about, the cloth has been cut."

Before Bai Ningxiang could speak, the shopkeeper Chen at the counter called for someone to work. When he saw Bai Ningxiang, he nodded and smiled. The shop was busy, so he couldn't delay the business.

Walking out of Chenjiabuzhuang, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help but look back, it was really full of guests.

However, there was one thing that was strange to her. The store was so busy, why didn't she see Chen Xiaorou come out to help?
Since I came to the town, I still have to buy some dim sum from Wuxiangzhai.

From Chenjiabuzhuang to Wuxiangzhai, just pass through an alley.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the carriage entered the entrance of the alley, a figure rushed out from the gate next to it, and staggered and fell to the ground. Fortunately, their carriage was not fast, otherwise it would be really unclear.


Following the neighing of the horse, Wang Dahe tightened the reins, and the carriage narrowly stopped in front of the man.

Bai Ningxiang was knocked down, and after she sat down firmly, she raised the car curtain, "What's wrong?"

"Miss Hui, a person rushed out suddenly and fell on the road." Wang Dahe jumped out of the car and walked up to the person, "Master, do you need me to help you?"

Without Wang Dahe's obstruction, Bai Ningxiang also saw the person sitting on the ground, the moon-white robe was a little messy at this moment, as if it had been torn by someone.

Following Wang Dahe's inquiry, the man raised his head, and Bai Ningxiang was stunned.

Jiang Wenxue?
What an evil fate, why did we meet again?

When did he live here?

Jiang Wenxue also saw Bai Ningxiang. After being stunned, shame and embarrassment followed.

"no need,"

After gritting his teeth, he stood up tremblingly, staring at Bai Ningxiang with an undisguised sneer in his eyes, he has become like this, and he can't get away from her.

"Ocean, let's go."

Bai Ningxiang put down the car curtain, and the corners of her lips curled into a taunt. The person she's messing with is neither human nor ghost, so there's no use in resenting her, and she didn't let him be her son-in-law.

At this moment, a scream came from the courtyard on the right, "Oh, you poisonous woman, you dare to hit me? I will fight with you."

"Old godly woman, shut up, if you keep messing around, you will be kicked out directly, spending my money, living in my house, using my servants, and even daring to show off to my mother, who will you be?" Give you courage, who will give you face?"

"Damn poisonous woman, daughter-in-law, which one is not filial and virtuous?"

(End of this chapter)

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