Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 357 What to do with your tea garden

Chapter 357 What to do with your tea garden

"Brother Yi, if you tell me such a confidential matter, aren't you afraid that I will be tricked?"

"Haha... Will the girl be easily tricked?"

Han Jing looked at her sly eyes and laughed happily. This girl became serious, she was as smart as a little fox, and ordinary people were no match for her.

"Hehe, thank you brother Yi for your trust." Bai Ningxiang stood up smiling, "Brother Yi has worked hard all the way, I'll have someone boil hot water for you, wash up and have a good sleep, and I'll accompany you to Lingjiao Peak tomorrow."

"Okay, please worry about it, girl." Han Jing got up, took two steps, and turned back, "Yun Ni."

"The subordinate is here," with a clear voice, a girl in a red dress appeared in the yard.

Bai Ningxiang blinked, another hidden guard came?
"Girl, Yun Ni will follow you from now on. After Ding Yang was sent out by you, there is still a lack of people around him. Yun Ni is more lively than Ding Yan, so she can be a good helper by your side."

As he spoke, he reached out and took out two deeds of sale from his bosom, and put them directly in her hands, "From now on, they will be yours."

After all, Han Jing didn't look at Bai Ningxiang's surprised expression, and went straight into the room.

"My subordinate pays homage to the girl, and asks her to give her a name." Yun Ni knelt on one leg and clasped her fists in both hands. Before she came, she already knew that she wanted to be a maidservant with the master's righteous sister.

"Get up, Yun Ni's name sounds nice, don't change it."

Bai Ningxiang looked at the beautiful Yun Ni, and directly helped her up,
"My family's situation is simple. Let Ding Yang tell you about it later. I am allowed to make mistakes, but I absolutely do not allow betrayal. Otherwise, even if my brother-in-law speaks, I will not be able to protect you."

"Don't worry, girl, my subordinates will do their best."

Yun Ni was stunned for a moment, and bowed again to salute, "Since the young master gave the maid to the girl, he will be the girl's person in his future life, and he will be the girl's ghost in death."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Although it sounds weird, it makes sense.

"Okay, you just came, go find Bai Cha, let her arrange you to rest and get your clothes."

"Yes, my subordinates retire."

When Yun Ni went to the backyard, Bai Ningxiang looked down at the two deeds of sale in her hand, feeling warm in her heart, that things that were not promised in the previous life are considered complete in this life.

Back in the study, Bai Ningxiang was lying on the rattan chair, unable to help but think about the conversation with her brother-in-law just now,
The righteous brother in the previous life was also recalled to Qingdu for three years. It was not until Nanyi frequently provoked that the Lord sent the righteous brother to fight against the enemy.

This time, she returned to Beijing one year earlier than last time, and she didn't know if Nanyi's provocation would happen earlier. No matter what, she would definitely help Yibro tide over the difficulties before that.

Thinking of this, Bai Ningxiang suddenly turned over and sat up, ran to the east wing, pushed the door open and went in, only to find that her brother-in-law was wearing an underwear, lying lazily on the bed and dozing off.

Bai Ningxiang suddenly stopped her feet, her face flushed.

"What's the matter, flustered?" Han Jing opened his eyes,
"... I suddenly remembered that if brother-in-law goes back, what will happen to your tea garden?" Bai Ningxiang looked at him with a blushing face, brother-in-law wouldn't let him go, would he?
Sure enough, Brother Yi stared at her with a very gentle smile.

"Isn't there you in the tea garden? I'm relieved to leave it to you, but I will arrange some people to come over to help take care of it."

Speaking of this, Han Jing smiled like an old fox,
Bai Ningxiang: "...Brother Yoshi really thinks highly of me, so I'm not afraid that I'll mess it up."

 [-] completed~
(End of this chapter)

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