Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 368 Subconscious tension

Chapter 368 Subconscious tension
"Yes, master." Feng Yi and Ding Yang Yun Ni have been following not far away, when they heard the news, they went directly down the mountain to prepare.

Han Jing took Bai Ningxiang around Lingjiao Peak, and then walked to the edge of a mountain stream with a few turns.

"Enter from here, and there is another world inside."


Bai Ning was puzzled, there were trees and rocks everywhere, she didn't see any difference.

"Follow me in and have a look."

Seeing her expression, Han Jing chuckled, stretched out his arms, and embraced her, before Bai Ningxiang could cry out in surprise, her feet flew into the air.

Bai Ningxiang's heart froze, she subconsciously put her arms around his neck, and tightly grabbed his front with the other hand.

"Do you want to jump to the bottom of the cliff?" He didn't say hello in advance, and he wasn't even prepared.

Han Jing looked down at the corners of her tightly pursed lips, and couldn't help chuckling, "Don't worry, I won't fall."

"I know, it's subconscious nervousness." Bai Ningxiang glared at him, the sense of crisis that arose physically was beyond the control of reason.

Han Jing hugged Bai Ningxiang, leaned on her toes, tossed and moved lightly, stepped on the protruding rocks under her feet, and disappeared into a jungle in the blink of an eye.

After Bai Ningxiang was nervous at the beginning, she gradually calmed down. Looking at the fleeting scenery, she felt suspicious, why did Yixiong take her?
A moment later, Han Jing stopped at a cliff with her arms in his arms.

Bai Ningxiang looked at the mountain stream below, listening to the gurgling sound of the stream, her eyes were still puzzled.

"Apart from the high point, is there anything special here?"

Han Jing looked at her, the corners of her lips curled up, "Turn around."

Hearing Han Jing's tone, Bai Ningxiang glanced at him suspiciously, then turned around slowly, she was stunned immediately, as if she found a hole among the vines.

"Is this a cave?"

"To be precise, it should be a corridor."

Han Jing let go of her waist, held her hand directly, and pushed her away from the vines with the other hand to take her inside.

"Wait." Bai Ningxiang stopped in her tracks, and looked up at her brother-in-law.

"What's wrong? Are you scared?" Han Jing looked down at her with deep eyes.

"No, this is the site of the brother-in-law?"

Bai Ningxiang had a vague guess in her heart, but for some reason, she was a little afraid to set foot in this place.

I always feel that after entering, there is no chance to get out of the body.

This place is hidden enough, if no one is taking it, it is absolutely impossible to enter.

But the more hidden the place, the more secrets are hidden. Although she is glad that her brother-in-law does not shy away from her and trusts her, she is afraid that her heart is not firm enough and she will let him down.

In her previous life, because of her brother-in-law, she had witnessed torture, those strangely shaped hooks and barbs, poisonous insects, snakes and ants, made people's scalps go numb, and she couldn't help but tell her brother-in-law at that time.

If someone used this kind of torture to scare her, she might not even use torture, and she would call them all.

Brother Yi was still joking at the time, but Bai Ningxiang knew how brave she was, she never thought she was such a tough person, and she didn't dare to boast that she hadn't tried it.

Therefore, since then, she has no desire to explore other people's secrets. The more she knows, the more dangerous she will be.

Just like the ones in front of her, she can guarantee that there are definitely not many people who can come in.

Seeing her resisting expression, Han Jing raised her eyebrows, "Girl, are you afraid?"

"Although I don't know what's inside, it's definitely one of Yibro's secrets, and I don't want to go in."

(End of this chapter)

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