Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 376 A group of people who spend money on food, oil and money

Chapter 376
"Brother Yi, it's getting late, let's go."

Han Jing nodded, "Alright, girl, have you written this down?"

Bai Ningxiang: "'s okay."

"It's okay, I'll bring you back when I have time, and when you get familiar with the route, even if I'm not here, you can come and go freely."

Han Jing came over, reached out to take the basket in her hand, and comforted her softly.

"Brother Yi is not here, so naturally I won't come here easily, it doesn't matter if I remember the way or not." For some reason, Bai Ningxiang always felt that there was a hole in it.

Therefore, if you don't even think about it, you should quit, let's put aside the relationship first.

Han Jing looked at the little girl's resistance, lowered her head and smiled softly.

"What's wrong?" Bai Ningxiang's scalp was numb, and she always felt that she was being tricked by her brother-in-law.

"Girl, what if I hand over the Han family army here to you?" Han Jing looked at her fixedly, her bright eyes exuding unprecedented brilliance.

"What? What do I want them to do? Waste of food and money."

She is a girl's family, what does she do to raise soldiers?You can't rebel and become a monarch. If you are stupid, you will waste food and money to support a group of idlers.

Han Jing twitched the corners of his lips, he knew it was like this.

Instructor Liang: "..."

It was the first time that he was so thoroughly disliked.

"Girl, if I ask you to take care of me, will you be willing?"

Han Jing looked at the righteous sister's face of resistance, feeling very helpless.If this kind of thing is put on the girls of other clans, maybe they will be happy.

With someone around you, it is convenient to do whatever you want, much better than money.

Ahem, of course, raising people also requires money, and the cost is not small.

Even so, in this world, there are still people who take risks to support others, hoping to use them at critical moments.

His Han family's army had passed Ming Road, and it was a privilege given by the ancestors in gratitude for the merits of the Han family.

Now that there have been two generations of monarchs, some thoughts have also changed, and the courtiers have changed. The privilege of the Han family to raise elite soldiers is not so pleasing to some people.

Even some people who drilled camps began to learn from others, and began to raise soldiers in private to protect the safety of their families.But for some reason, I had to hide it.

The Lord is well aware of this, as long as no one is impeached or reported, there is nothing he can do.

Thinking of this, Han Jing couldn't help mocking, the master is moderate, lacks strategy, and weighs the balance of the court is even more incomprehensible. It is understandable to feel depressed, but it is really wrong for him to send this kind of evil fire on the Han family.

The Han family's army is justifiable, and the grace of the ancestors, if it is not for some irreversible mistakes, even if the master is jealous, he will open his mouth to withdraw his life.

That's why he tried every means to stay in Qingdu and compete with the Ninth Prince.

As for the [-] city guards in the master's hands, it's really hard to say whether they will be handed over to him.

For a general guarding the border, this is undoubtedly an overkill.Although there have been no wars on the border of Daqing Kingdom in the past few years, the border friction has not stopped.

It is extremely ironic for a general not to guard the frontier well, but let him play some conspiracy with Shixun.

Even if you win a big victory, it's nothing more than enjoying yourself in Qingdu. Compared with defending the territory and protecting the people, how is it different from playing house with children?
Seeing the complicated changes in Yixiong's face, Bai Ningxiang was stunned for a moment, Yixiong really wanted to help him look at these people?
(End of this chapter)

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