Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 379 The Home of the Female Dark Guard

Chapter 379 The Home of the Female Dark Guard
As long as the master needs it, whether it's killing people or listening to information, they only have one belief in their hearts, and that is to only succeed.

In order to complete the task, at all costs, sometimes in order to gain the trust of the other party, any disguise can be used, especially for women, the identity that is easiest to approach the target is an outstanding and beautiful concubine.

Such an identity not only needs to be favored, but also to fight against the mistress, otherwise, not only will he not get the information he wants, but he will be tortured to death by the mistress.

These sisters, from the beginning of entering the training camp, began to learn all kinds of skills, such as piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, singing and dancing.

Before she came here, she had already predicted her own destiny. Sooner or later, she would become a pawn of the master, placed next to someone, and become a charming concubine with red sleeves.

Unexpectedly, in a twist of events, she was given to a little girl by her master, who was still a peasant girl.

At that time, she couldn't help but look at her face in the mirror to see if she had any flaws and was rejected by her master.

When she came here in a daze, she was convinced that the master really gave them away.

For this kind of result, she is actually happy in her heart. At the very least, serving a little girl is much more comfortable than letting her please a man with a big and fat belly against her will.

In just a few days of contact, she fell in love with this place. Moreover, she also found that the former master seemed to value her new master very much. She seemed to have discovered something vaguely, but she hadn't confirmed it yet.

Regarding these, the former master may not have told the girl, otherwise she would not have asked herself such a question.

Just when the two of them were chatting, the carriage stopped suddenly, followed by Ding Yang's deep voice of complaint.

"Yun Ni, we met bandits, protect the girl."

Bai Ningxiang was taken aback, and raised her hand to cover her chest. She was flustered for no reason just now, and she always felt that something happened.

Now listening to Ding Yang's tone, my heart tightened, "This area has never seen banditry, why did it suddenly appear?"

Since her rebirth, this area has been very peaceful, and she has never heard of any banditry. Today is her first time walking at night, why is she so unlucky to meet her?

Just when she was guessing wildly, Feng Yi's scolding voice sounded.

"Who are you, who dare to block our way, and don't retreat quickly?"

"Haha... What a big tone, if you are sensible, just keep your finances, otherwise don't blame us for being rude, what I cut is money, if you don't have money, just keep your life."

With the sound of a rough voice, a black figure was carrying a big knife, and gave a vicious and strange smile.

Han Jing got out of the car, looked at the man in black who was blocking him, and said with a cold expression, "Are you pretending to be a bandit?"

The man in black was taken aback for a moment, and then he took a deep breath, "I'm a bandit, why do you still have to pretend?"

"Haha... Boss, this young master is really interesting. Bandits don't have a good reputation. Who is pretending to be this?"

"That's right, I didn't expect that bandits have become popular now, and there are still people deliberately pretending to be."

With a few laughs, the man in black approached again, "I've been guarding here for many days, and I haven't even seen a fat sheep. I'm lucky today, I met a rich man."

(End of this chapter)

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