Chapter 398 All Liars
"Jianwu, you are really confused. If everyone is like you, wouldn't the Bai clan be messed up?"

"That's right, if it wasn't for the clever girl Xiang who avoided the disaster, how would you have the chance to defend yourself here?"

Several clan elders, including the patriarch, were extremely disappointed with Bai Laoer's performance.

A selfish person who only cares about protecting his own people and disregarding the life and death of others is indeed a harm to his clan.

Bai Lao Er thought that he had guessed the meaning of the patriarch, so he said so. Although the incense burner of the Bai Clan Temple for three years is considered a lot, it is not a small amount.

Why are they still not satisfied, do they feel that it is not enough.

"Five years, my nephew is wrong, we are willing to bear the incense candle silver for five years."

The patriarch looked at Bai Laoer like he was looking at a fool.

Meng has committed such a serious crime, do you really think you can get over with just a little money?If everyone followed suit, wouldn't Daqing be in chaos long ago.

Bai Ningxiang looked at the second uncle's family, and she was already lazily talking. Normally, she shouldn't sit down when the elders are here, but seeing what happened for a while, she might not be able to solve it.

"Girl, sit here," Han Jing patted the official hat chair beside her, motioning for her to sit and do it.

Bai Ruyan stayed by the old lady's side all the time, and when she heard Han Jing's voice, she couldn't help but look over, her eyes lit up for a moment, and she immediately averted her gaze.

Glancing at the few teenagers behind Han Jing, she turned her eyes away in disappointment, not having any ideals.

Everyone's eyes were on Bai Lao Er and Meng Shi, except for Han Jing and Bai Ningxiang, no one paid attention to Bai Ruyan's eyes.

Even if they knew, probably no one would care.

Bai Er Er glanced at Bai Ningxiang, and her eyes lit up immediately, "Sister Xiang, you can say something for the second uncle, and the second uncle apologized to you on behalf of the Meng family. Fortunately, the sister-in-law is fine, otherwise it would not be enough to abandon the Meng family." to atone for his sins."

Bai Ningxiang looked at him with a half-smile, she understood what the second uncle meant, it was just to remind her that her mother was fine, so don't cling to Meng's crimes.

"Second uncle was joking. I won't participate in how the patriarch grandpa handles it. As the second uncle said, mother and brother Xing are fine, and I also promised that the patriarch grandpa will keep quiet. I think it's enough benevolence, second uncle What else do you want me to do? Plead for a sinner who once tried to hurt my mother?"

As Bai Ningxiang spoke, her eyes swept over everyone, and the corners of her lips curled up faintly,

"Second Uncle, don't you think the request is too much?"

Bai Er choked and blushed. He also knew that it was a bit difficult for others, but the form was stronger than others, so he couldn't help it, right?
"Cousin, I kowtow to my aunt to admit my mistake on behalf of my mother, you are the one who has a lot of adults, please forgive my mother this time?"

As Bai Ningxue said, she ran directly in front of Shen, kneeled on the ground with a bang, and knocked three times in a row.

That movement is so loud that it hurts just thinking about it.

Shen Shi just watched Sister Xue's movements in such a daze, without any reaction.

"Auntie, I'm sorry, my niece will apologize to you, because my mother didn't make a big mistake, can you spare her once?"

Shen blinked, looked at Sister Xue with a complicated face, then turned her head to look at Xiangxiang, whose eyes were slightly lowered, and gritted her teeth.

"Let this matter be decided by the patriarch. No matter what the result is, I will not interfere."

Bai Ningxue: "..."

Why, isn't she weak and kind?
Another liar, it turned out that they were all deceived, and it turned out that the person who could pretend the most was the eldest aunt.

(End of this chapter)

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