Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 403 The Heavenly Principle Cycle

Chapter 403 The Heavenly Principle Cycle
Listening to her daughter's narration, Shen covered her mouth with a handkerchief, her face turned pale with fright.

"Then... was your grandmother serious when she confessed to you just now?"

Bai Ningxiang looked into her mother's eyes, except for fear, she couldn't believe it. She rubbed the rim of the cup, trying to calm her mind.

"Grandmother's apology just now I believe she is feeling from the heart, maybe she really realized that she was too mean to me before. But so what? If there is no strong suppression from me before, if I follow the so-called filial piety, they say Just listen to whatever, mother thinks we can still hear grandma's apology today?"

Shen: "..."

The mother-in-law is used to domineering, and today is the first time she heard the old lady confess her mistake.

Seeing her mother's expression, Bai Ningxiang cleared her throat, "I did intervene in Sister Xue's marriage."

Shen raised her head abruptly, and looked at her daughter in disbelief, "What do you mean? How can you interfere with Xue girl's marriage?"

No wonder Meng is so crazy.

"Mother, don't think too badly of your daughter. Although I interfered, it didn't interfere with Meng's choice."

As Bai Ningxiang spoke, she told her mother about the rumors spread by the Meng family at her natal family. Seeing her mother's shocked expression and her big eyes staring at herself, she couldn't help but burst out laughing in a low voice.

"Meng's specially advertised that I have a rich dowry. Mother thought that this alone would bring me a good marriage?"

"It must be some people who are greedy for money." Shen Shi held the handkerchief and subconsciously said.

"My mother is right. Not long after she spread, someone went to my grandmother to inquire about my situation... As for how to transfer to Sister Xue, I did deliberately induce the direction, but the final decision-making power is not As for the Meng family, if she inquires more about the situation of the Xu family, she will not easily agree to the marriage."

"Speaking of which, the Xu family was settled, and the second uncle also agreed. He said that the Xu family has a son who is studying. If he is lucky, he can change the family. The Meng family also made a five-year agreement with the population. If you don’t pass the examination as a scholar, let Sister Xue live alone.”

"The Xu family also agreed. That's why I said that I only interfered with the direction of Sister Xue's marriage, and didn't hinder the rest at all."

Bai Ningxiang said, seeing her mother's complex expression, shrugged her shoulders innocently,
"It's said that the retribution of heaven's law is not good. After Sister Xue's marriage with Xu's family was settled, Meng's family found out that Xu's natal family is Meng's village. The two in-laws are girls married from the same village. They must be flustered."


Shen stood up abruptly, that is to say, did Meng kill her own daughter?

"My mother was right. Xu Jiaerlang often stayed at his cousin's house in Mengjia Village. He got the news from his aunt. Then he urged his parents to invite a regular matchmaker to inquire about our family's situation. Strictly speaking, The whole marriage should be facilitated by Erlang Xu, because the more dowry the woman has, the more beneficial it will be for his future scientific research."

Shen: "..."

Why are there so many twists and turns?

Why so much trouble?
"Didn't Xiangxiang just say that there was a five-year verbal agreement? Since Xu Jiaerlang had already planned it, why did he agree to this five-year agreement?"

"Hehe, this is indeed an accident, but it's not entirely true. Xu Jiaerlang's despicable behavior is not aboveboard. In order to avoid suspicion, he told his parents and went on a study tour with Xueyou."

(End of this chapter)

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