Chapter 414

Xu Maocheng has been paying attention to the expression of his eldest brother, seeing him in a daze, he couldn't help but smile slightly, "I was reckless, and if I have a chance to meet him another day, I'll just apologize."

"Second brother, don't worry about it. Xue'er has a good temper, and her cousin's temper is probably not bad, so she won't be angry."

For some reason, Xu Maokang felt that the girl would not care about such trivial matters.

Xu Maocheng was stunned for a moment, looked at his elder brother and shook his head jokingly,
"Brother really has a daughter-in-law who can do everything. My mother was still feeling just now. If the girl from the first house of the Bai family was not observing her filial piety, the girl from the second room would not be the one who is engaged to you."

Xu Maokang looked at his second brother calmly, Bai Ningxiang's cold look kept popping up in his mind, for some reason, his face suddenly turned red.

"Ahem...Second brother, don't say this again in the future. If it gets out, it will be bad for the reputation of the two families."

Xu Maocheng nodded with a smile, "Don't worry, brother, we brothers gossip, and naturally brothers won't say that when we go outside."

"Actually, I also think Eldest Brother and Bai Ningxiang are more suitable. I don't like that Bai Ningxue." While talking, Xu Kuihua walked in with a pot of stewed chicken, glanced at Eldest Brother, and pouted and complained.

"Sunflower, you've been told nonsense." Xu Maokang glared at her, this girl is narrow-minded, and she doesn't know where Xue'er provoked her, since she was asked to call someone last time, she has been like this.

Xu Maocheng looked at the younger sister, his eyes flickered, "Brother, you don't have to worry too much in your own home. The younger sister is unhappy, so it's okay to be a little bit petty. Let's be brothers and let it go."

When Xu Kuihua heard her second brother speak for her, she immediately became happy.

"I think what the second brother said is right. That Bai Ningxue is crying when she meets her, and it makes her upset when she sees it. I have only been engaged to my eldest brother for a long time, so it's definitely not a very good person."

Xu Maocheng glanced at his elder brother, shook his head and laughed, "Little sister, elder brother is engaged to someone, and Miss Bai is sad, it's okay to complain to elder brother, you don't have to make a fuss."

Xu Kuihua looked at her elder brother's blushing face, and pouted, "I'm not making a fuss, I just can't stand her like that, she's so hypocritical..."

Before she could finish speaking, she was cut off by Xu Maokang, "Sunflower, go to the kitchen to help your mother cook, what nonsense are you talking about? Don't talk about people behind their backs."

Seeing Xu Kuihua stomping and running out, Xu Maocheng changed the subject directly with the emotion in his eyes, and then asked Sunflower what was going on.

Bai Ningxiang didn't know what happened in the Xu family, and even if she knew, she wouldn't take it to heart.

However, Mrs. Shen was a little angry. She had something popularized by her daughter before, and when she met Xu Maocheng again today, looking at his dusty appearance, it was obvious that he had just returned from avoiding suspicion. For a dignified student, to do such a despicable thing is really against the saint training.

"In this way, sister Xue's life will be easier when she marries into Xu's family in the future."

Oh, what is it all about.

Aunt Deng stood beside Madam, and smiled nonchalantly, "If you want to blame it, blame Meng herself. If she hadn't been impure in her mind and wanted to harm our girl, how could she have put herself in such an embarrassing situation?"

Shen thought for a while, then nodded, "You're right, the retribution of heaven's law is not good, so don't be too greedy... It's a pity, how many people can do this."

(End of this chapter)

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