Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 418 She Wants to Dizzy the Air

Chapter 418 She Wants to Dizzy the Air

This kind of weather is very suitable for the growth of tea, and also suitable for human habitation.

She has become accustomed to the environment with fresh air and high oxygen content, but she never thought that as the Chinese New Year approached, the smell of frying oil would permeate the air all the time, and she might get dizzy at any time.

So, after visiting two slaughter pigs and eating a pig meal, she has completely lost interest.

Seeing her disgusted expression, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help laughing,

"New Year's Day is always about frying and cooking, and it's also the festival that everyone looks forward to the most. How come you are so uncomfortable?"

"It's not a good life and I'm used to it, it's hypocritical."

The little man rubbed his nose and shrugged his shoulders innocently. In fact, she also disliked herself a little. When she first came here, her eyes lit up when she saw the naked body. The thing she looked forward to most every day was to be full.

Bai Ningxiang beckoned, "Come and sit first. Yun Ni, go and take out the silver hairpin of the winter jasmine in the box."


Yun Ni glanced at the little man, she knew that the little girl had a carefree surface and was quite capable, and she heard that she was the one who made the kung fu black tea.

A silver hairpin and two earrings were carried by Yun Ni on the small table,

"Girl, look but this?"

"Well, I met you by accident when I went to the county last time. I think it suits you very well."

Bai Ningxiang picked up the silver hairpin, inserted it into the boy's bun, put on two bright yellow silver earrings for her, and then looked at her seriously.

She has a round oval face, dark eyeballs, flushed cheeks, paired with bright yellow jasmine hairpins, and there is a youthful and lively atmosphere all over her body. She is also a picturesque beauty when she is quiet. .

"It looks good." Bai Ningxiang nodded in satisfaction, "Go and look in the mirror yourself."


The little man raised his hand to touch the hairpin on his head, and walked silently in front of the glass mirror. The woman in the mirror, with a smile on her face, looked curious and made a few grimaces in succession, her expression becoming richer.

"Hey, Boss, it's pretty pretty."

She managed to learn how to wear her hair in a bun, which is the easiest one to use, and she still can't do the more complicated ones, and it will become a chicken coop if she is not careful.

"Boss, why did you suddenly send me this?"

"It looks suitable for you, so I gave it away, and it can just be worn for the New Year."

Bai Ningxiang looked at this silly girl and really didn't understand. In their era, women in their 20s were still stupid?

"You think it's fine on the mountain, but there are no peach blossoms at this time. If you are lucky, you can fold some winter jasmines and put them in vases. It's also a good time."

The peach blossoms I brought back last time surprised everyone, even my mother was more curious than others.

It was only afterward that she felt something was wrong, and it would be better if the house was a little cleaner.

It would be appropriate if I could cut some winter jasmines back.

"Any kind of flower is fine, as long as you take a stroll up the mountain." The little man's eyes lit up immediately when he heard that, "I'll go and prepare the tools. Let's start now and come back before dark."

Seeing the little boy running out in a hurry, Yun Ni smiled and cursed helplessly.

"This little hoof really has no rules at all. If the young master sees this, he might be cast into the pit again."

"You're right. Brother Yi and Xiaonan really hate each other. It's as if they are naturally hostile. They can fight all the time."

Bai Ningxiang was also very helpless, if it wasn't for the girl who was a little boy sometimes being cowardly, maybe the two of them would have fought long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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