Chapter 424
Bai Ningxiang suppressed the smile in her eyes, and said lightly, "Does mother think it's so easy to be a general? The warriors who can become generals are all killed from thousands of troops."

"Brother Yi is also a general, doesn't my mother like him very much?" Others can be generals, why can't it be my turn?

"...It's because of the danger that I don't want Brother Xing to try it. As a mother, I naturally hope that the children will be safe."

Thinking of Brother Ting, Shen's expression turned embarrassing, "I have my own choice, Brother Ting comes from a family of generals, leading troops to fight is his destination."

"I am Brother Xing's mother, so I can naturally make decisions for him. There is no precedent in our family to be a military commander. Your father also followed the path of a civil servant. Unfortunately, he died young." Shen said sadly, her eyes were red up.

"Mother's concerns are correct. Brother Xing will have to decide how to choose in the future. I said just now that he is too young to say anything now."

Bai Ningxiang put Brother Xing down and let him play in the yard, then turned around and went into the house to wash and change clothes.

Seeing her daughter's attitude, Shen couldn't hold back her tears, "Aunt Deng, look at her, I just said a few words, and then I started ignoring people."

"Ma'am, what the girl said is right, brother Xing is still young, it's too early to say anything, why should Madam get angry?"

Aunt Deng was very helpless, there was nothing stubborn about Madam, she usually looked like a good person, but once it involved brother Xing, she immediately seemed to be a different person.

Knowing that some words will make the girl sad, but he can say them without hesitation, but he doesn't know what to say?
Today's good life is due to the girl's hard work, why doesn't Madam understand?

Brother Xing is good, but he is too young, without a girl to take care of him, the future life may be difficult.

"I also know, isn't it just talking too fast?" Shen pressed the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, feeling more and more depressed.

She is a mother, why can't she say a few words?
Of all the mothers in the world, who is more useless than her?
"Ma'am, it's not auspicious for you to cry when it's Chinese New Year's Eve."

As Aunt Deng said, when she looked up, she saw Bai Cha walking over with a bottle of winter jasmine in her arms.

"Ma'am, this is the vase that the girl prepared for you, isn't it pretty?" Bai Cha received Aunt Deng's eyes and immediately ran over with a smile.

"Well, it looks good, let's put it in the house." Shen wiped the corners of her eyes, got up and went back to the house.

Aunt Deng gave Qiuniang a few winks, and followed her into the room to wait on her.

After Bai Ningxiang washed up briefly, she changed into light home clothes, lay half-slanted on the beauty's couch, half-closed her eyes, showing no signs of happiness or anger.

"Girl, it's Chinese New Year, you are the backbone of everyone, you can't be angry, otherwise the atmosphere in the mansion will be very depressed."

Yun Ni moved a small embroidered pier for herself, and sat next to Bai Ningxiang, holding the beauty hammer in her hand, and knocking lightly.

"Don't worry, I won't care about these little things."

Bai Ningxiang squinted her eyes, thinking of her mother's obsession with Brother Xing, her mind was already very calm.

"Do you think I pamper her too much?"

The superior life and the service of servants made her completely divorced from the village women, and she became a carefree lady, her vision has improved a lot.

It was a good thing at first, and it is also a good thing to be noble and elegant when you go out to meet guests in the future, but it is not pleasing to forget your roots.

(End of this chapter)

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