Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 426 The Understanding of Reading Ten Thousand Volumes

Chapter 426 The Understanding of Reading Ten Thousand Volumes

"Second brother, who said that reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles? When my father was alive, he often taught me that reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles complement each other. Only when the two are combined can we apply what we have learned. That’s why you won’t read books to death.”

When Bai Xiang'an heard his sister mention the deceased scholar uncle, his eyes lit up immediately after feeling regretful.

"Did uncle really say that?"

"Of course, if my father didn't tell me, how would I know."

Bai Ningxiang looked at the joy in her second brother's eyes, and couldn't help but remind her,
"To travel thousands of miles is to use the knowledge you have learned to appreciate the customs and customs of various places, and to apply what you have learned."

"However, my father also said that each person has a little insight, that is to say, everyone sees things differently and appreciates things differently. Therefore, my father always taught me not to listen to one side's words in everything."

That guy Xu Maocheng is duplicity on the outside, he is sanctimonious, and he always does dark things behind his back. When he goes out to study, there is no benefit at all except for some exaggerated words.

Hearing his godmother refute him seriously, and brought out his deceased cousin, Bai Xiang'an quickly admitted his mistake, bowed in a serious manner,
"Second brother has been taught, he must remember the holy words of my cousin."

"Second brother, I'm not joking with you. The old saying goes that you must not have the heart of harming others, and you must be defensive. Xu Maocheng does not want to be so gentle and polite on the surface. When the second brother is with him, remember to be more careful."

"Hehe, my sister is worrying too much. We are just discussing knowledge, and nothing will happen."

Bai Xiangan couldn't help but want to laugh when he saw how his godmother was frowning.

Although he had no contact with Xu Maocheng, he heard that that person often went out to study and had good knowledge and vision, so he was very happy to receive the invitation.

Looking at the second brother's expression, she knew that he didn't take it seriously, Bai Ningxiang lowered her expression, what Xu Maocheng did was very secretive, even if she said it, the second brother would not believe it without solid evidence.

"Second brother is a scholar, so you must understand that the number of scholars is also limited. The more students you have, the lower the chance. Our Ba County has a particularly small number of places. If the second brother wants to pass the examination for a scholar, he must Keep an appropriate distance from all the students."

With Xu Maocheng's selfish temperament, except for boasting about some useless things, things that are beneficial to the exam, he would share them.

What kind of good is a person who even plots against his own elder brother?

"Grandfather has great expectations for you. Naturally, I hope that the second brother will be safe and well. There will be no mistakes. When you reach Qinghe Village, it will be dark. How come back at night? Will godfather pick you up?"

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome. I can go back by myself. It's not like I haven't traveled at night before. The second brother is very courageous and is not afraid of anything."

"I know the second brother is not afraid, but you don't want to worry grandpa, right? If Xu Maocheng wants to discuss knowledge with you, why don't you say so earlier. In the afternoon, I clearly saw him and Xu Kuihua digging wild vegetables in the back mountain."

Bai Xiang'an: "..."

How could Xu Xueyou dig wild vegetables?

Bai Xiang'an looked at the god-sister who entered the yard with complicated eyes, and was very puzzled. How could she hate Xueyou Xu Maocheng so much?
Ding Xiang looked at him in a daze, and pursed the corners of her lips, "Would our girl still harm you?"

After all, without looking at Bai Xiangan's flushed face, he followed in directly.

(End of this chapter)

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