Chapter 429
Hearing Bai Ningxiang's proposal, the patriarch's eyes lit up, this proposal is really great.

In addition to the Bai clan, there are three other clans in Bashan Village. If they have the audacity to send their descendants here, it is really difficult for him to refuse, but it will be different if they are constricted.

"Haha...Xiang girl, grandpa is really sorry that you are not a brother. If you are born as a man, you will definitely be able to lead our Bai clan to soar into the sky."

Seeing the regretful look on the patriarch's face, Bai Ningxiang twitched her lips, "Grandpa, who said that my daughter's family can't do anything? Maybe one day I will become the richest man in our Daqing country."

"Haha... That's right. Our Bai clan, regardless of gender, is good. Grandpa is waiting for the good news of you becoming the richest man."

The patriarch stroked his beard and waved happily at Bai Ningxiang, "It's getting dark, hurry home and ask your godmother to light a lantern for you, don't fall."

After all, the old man stopped smoking, and walked around the room happily, thinking about the next thing carefully.

When Bai Ningxiang walked to the door, thinking of going to the second brother in the next village, she couldn't help reminding her.

"Godmother, I met the second elder brother just now. He said he was going to meet friends at the Xu family in Qinghe Village. It's not easy to stay for those who celebrate the Chinese New Year. Let the eldest brother pick it up later. It's dark and the road is slippery. It's not good if you fall. gone."

When Mrs. Li heard this, she patted her thigh, "Oh, that's the reason. That kid, he hasn't stopped since he was selected as a student. If he doesn't meet friends at home, he just goes out. Those who celebrate Chinese New Year really can't stay outside."

As Mrs. Li said, she told Bai Ningxiang to walk slowly, and then hurried back to the backyard, asking Brother Ming to fetch her back.

In the early morning of the next day, Bai Ningxiang had eaten early, got into the carriage and set off with Yunni Dingyang. Of course, there were also the boy and Baicha.

Although the wounded soldiers on Lingjiao Peak settled down, the woman who cooks also hired villagers from the bottom of the mountain.

But before the new year, she had to take a look at it to rest assured, and arrange the spring plowing and irrigation for the coming year by the way.

When they arrived at Lingjiao Peak, before the others said anything, Baicha couldn't help covering her mouth and exclaiming, "Girl, this tea garden is bigger than our West Peak."

"Of course, Lingjiao Peak has a tea garden of [-] mu, which is more than double the size. How could it be the same?"

Bai Ningxiang smiled and scratched her nose, causing the little girl to run away in embarrassment.

"Girl, you are here, please do it inside." The one who spoke was a fifteen-year-old one-armed boy named Tangbao.

When Bai Ningxiang saw him for the first time, she was infected by his smile, and also understood why everyone named him Tang Bao, maybe because the smile was too sweet.

Although the tempering on the battlefield caused him to break an arm, it did not obliterate the sunshine in his heart.

"Little Tangbao, you've been here for a while, what's not you used to?"

When she smiled, two dimples were revealed, and her eyes were innocent and clean. If she hadn't lost an arm, Bai Ningxiang would never have imagined that such a child crawled out of the battlefield.

I don't know what kind of family can raise such a good child, and I don't know what kind of cruel parents are willing to let such a young child go to the battlefield?
Seeing her, Bai Ningxiang suddenly understood her mother's thoughts. She didn't want Brother Xing to be a general, and she didn't even let her make jokes. Maybe this is the kind of strong maternal love, and she couldn't bear to see her child end up like this Bar!
(End of this chapter)

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