Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 432 Why make her humble into the dust

Chapter 432 Why make her humble into the dust

Bai Ningxiang followed the voice, only to find that Bai Ningxue and Xu Maokang were standing under the willow tree not far in front.

The two of them were already engaged, so it would be fine to meet occasionally, and Bai Ningxiang didn't think too much about it, so she nodded her head as a greeting.

Xu Maokang looked at that cold girl, a look of unnaturalness flashed across his face, and he unconsciously thought of his second brother's words in his mind, if there wasn't a mistake in the middle, he should be engaged to the girl from the big house of the Bai family.

There is only this girl in the eldest family of the Bai family. Judging by the posture just now, I am afraid that I am not worthy of her.

Bai Ningxue watched Xu Maokang staring at his cousin distractedly, and unconsciously clenched her fists, her nails clasped her palms so that she didn't show any venomous eyes.

If it wasn't for Bai Ningxiang's interference, how could she have anything to do with the Xu family, and how could her mother come to question her.

Of course, it is even more impossible to be forcibly returned to her natal family and be rejected by others.

She couldn't stay in her own house any longer. Without her mother, her father was gloomy, and now her two elder brothers were also gloomy. Everyone else was immersed in the joy of the New Year, only their family had nothing.

If she doesn't come out to cook, she will only be scolded by her brothers. This is a phenomenon that has never happened before.

Without her mother, her life was a mess.

Originally, she was very dissatisfied with the Xu family's marriage, and she didn't want to pick up things that others didn't want, but now no one in the family thinks about her, so she has to make her own plans.

At the beginning, she dared to play petty temper with Xu Maokang and let Xu Maokang coax her, but now she dare not, not only dare not, but she also has to be careful, lest he will be annoyed, and use the excuse of her mother to divorce her , my life is completely over.

Therefore, when Xu Maokang gave her New Year's goods, she wanted to send him to the entrance of the village to express her gratitude, to show how much she valued him, and to let everyone know that she and Xu's eldest son had already engaged .

Unexpectedly, as soon as I arrived at the entrance of the village, I saw the big lady coming back, her posture was still so ostentatious, it was hard for people to ignore her.

The more glamorous Bai Ningxiang is, the more humble she is in the dust.

My mother often said that all men in the world like women who are tender and caring. They can't be cold all the time, and they can't always be petty. If you want to learn to win a man's heart, you have to use some tricks.

She was patient enough with Xu Maokang, but he actually stared at his cousin in front of her, and his own man looked enviously at other women, how ironic?
What her mother said was right, Bai Ningxiang was cruel, cold-blooded and ruthless, and she was always looking for opportunities to take revenge on their family.

Now that she has fulfilled her wish, their second room is now full of walking dead, and the whole yard is like an ice cellar, without any popularity.

Besides, there is no one to help her, and her mother's life at her grandmother's house is not easy, and the uncles are already thinking about finding another home for her.

Therefore, she can't lose Xu Maokang no matter what,

"Brother Kang, do you think my cousin is going out with style?" Bai Ningxiang held the handkerchief, raised her face, and smiled gently.

Xu Maokang came back to his senses, looked down at the pulled sleeves, his face was embarrassed, "Xue'er, it's getting late, hurry back."

"Well, Brother Kang, be careful on the road."

Bai Ningxue looked at Xu Maokang's expression, nodded obediently, and slowly moved home step by step.

 First four chapters~
(End of this chapter)

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