Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 435 Unexpected visitor

Chapter 435 Unexpected visitor
The mother and daughter greeted the door together, Bai Ningxiang blessed her body, "Happy New Year to my uncle and aunt, cousin, cousin."

"Xiangxiang get up quickly, let my aunt take a look. Oh, it's really a girl's [-]th change, the more she changes, the better she looks."

Wang Shi took Bai Ningxiang's hand and looked at it without any trace, the struggle flashed in his eyes.

With a smile, Shen took sister-in-law's hand and Ling'er with the other,

"Sister-in-law, don't praise her, be careful that her tail is up to the sky. Let's go, we haven't seen each other for a long time, follow me to the backyard to talk."

Wang looked at the ruddy complexion of the sister-in-law, who still had her clothes on, and joked with a smile,
"There are so many people today, if I bully you, the others will laugh at you."

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, Xiangxiang has already asked her godmother to help, I don't have to worry about the inside and outside, our sister-in-law can just talk." Shen Shi said, pulling Wang Shi away.

"Then I can count on your blessing." Looking at the gentle niece, Wang agreed with a smile.

Shen Ling'er walked up to Bai Ningxiang and winked at her, "Xiangxiang, Second Aunt stayed at home to entertain guests. Second Aunt has already betrothed cousin Liu Er, and she is holding her back to prevent her from going out. Cousin asked me to take care of it for you." .”

"Cousin Liu'er is engaged? That's great, I have to prepare a big gift some other day to celebrate."

"Hee hee, don't worry now, we won't get married until the end of this year. My aunt said last time when I congratulated my second brother on the entrance examination, I will do it for you on Xiangxiang's birthday, and then cousin Liuer will be able to get married again." Come out once, and when we meet again, you two will have a good chat."

"It's good to pay attention to this."

Listening to Linger's tone, Bai Ningxiang's eyes flickered. It turned out that her mother hadn't given up on marrying her to Cousin Hua.

Thinking of this, Bai Ningxiang happened to see Brother Hua not far away chatting speculatively with his second brother in a blink of an eye.

Shen Linger followed her cousin's path and looked over first, and saw two high-spirited teenagers at a glance, "Xiangxiang, who is that man?"

"Bai Xiang'an, I'm the older brother, the same student as Cousin Hua."

"No wonder the two look like they hate seeing each other late. They are both nerds." Shen Linger covered her mouth and smiled.

Bai Ningxiang asked the girl to send Cousin Linger to the backyard before she went to look for Mrs. Li, "Thank you Godmother, I have to trouble you every time."

"Silly girl, I deserve you to be a goddamn mother. Don't tell me you can't do it for nothing. Let's not talk about other things. It's not good for girls to interfere too much in weddings and weddings."

After all, it's a girl's house who hasn't spoken to her, and she's usually aggressive and capable, so try not to get involved in these things.

"It's still the godmother who loves me the most."

Bai Ningxiang hugged Li Shi's arm, and shook it shamelessly, coaxing Li Shi to purse her lips and laugh.

I feel more and more disgusted that I have two sons, who are not caring at all, and then I can only entrust it to my daughter-in-law, and I can also entrust my thoughts to get a granddaughter.

At this moment, another visitor came to the door. Bai Ningxiang and Li Shi had just taken two steps, but they couldn't help but pause. A family of four walked in at the door.

Looking at the woman she seemed to have known before, Bai Ningxiang was a little dumbfounded, she couldn't remember who the person in front of her was?

However, Mrs. Li was one step quicker than her, and walked forward with a smile, "Hui Xia has brought back my uncle and child. She is such a rare visitor, I almost dare not recognize her."

"Sister-in-law, long time no see, happy new year."

Bai Huixia, Bai Ningxiang's little aunt, seldom went back to her natal home after she got married. The last time she came back was Bai Xiucai who passed away. She brought her uncle back to express condolences, and she never came back after that.

(End of this chapter)

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