Chapter 438
Bai Ningxiang grasped two important points, set off in the middle of the night, and took a ox cart, and arrived near noon, which sounded farther than the county seat.

"White tea, go to the kitchen and bring a bowl of grandma to my cousin, and another bowl to my cousin in the front yard. I'm afraid I'm starving after traveling so far at night."

Baicha looked at the girl's little cousin with pity, and ran quickly to the kitchen.

After walking for most of the night, my stomach was already empty. Although the little girl saw the cakes just now, her eyes lit up, but she didn't gobble them up. It can be seen that the little aunt taught her very well, but she was too timid and needed to practice.

Zhang Qiaoer heard that Bai Ningxiang was still thinking about her younger brother, with gratitude in her eyes, "Thank you cousin."

"Thank you, we are all a family. My cousin suddenly has two more relatives. It's too late to be happy."

Bai Ningxiang stretched out her hand and pinched her cheeks. Although there is not much flesh, her facial features are good. As long as she takes good care of her, she will be a pretty little beauty.

The white tea was made very fast, and she put the milk in front of Qiaoer, "Cousin girl, drink it while it's hot, I put a lot of sugar."

After eating a bowl of milk and the cakes just now, Miss Qiaoer is finally full.

Only when you are full can you have strength, and those gray eyes are more radiant.

When the relatives were about to come, the godmother came over to greet everyone to go to the grave together.

Because of the different etiquette between men and women, the two groups go together, but they have to worship separately.

After the tedious ceremony was over, a group of people went home together. On the way, they happened to meet a group of third and second uncles. When they saw Bai Huixia's figure, the two of them were stunned.

Bai Ningxiang did not ignore the shock and complexity in their eyes, nor did she ignore the resentment in her little aunt's eyes. With her neck held high, she walked past the two elder brothers without looking sideways, without even giving them a look.

Strangely, neither Bai Er nor Bai Lao San blamed this faux pas.

Suppressing the doubts in her heart, Bai Ningxiang followed the crowd back to the courtyard and began to sit at the table.

After eating, everyone sat together and talked for a while, then got up one after another to leave.

Bai Ningxiang accompanied her godfather and godmother to send out the guests one by one, trying to keep the little aunt's family behind.

Shen shi sent her natal elder brother to the official road before turning back, watching Li shi directing the girl to pack up her things, the corners of her lips curled up, and her expression became more gentle.

"Thank you so much, my sister-in-law. I trouble you to help me every time. My Xiangxiang family is blessed. Having you as a godmother loves her so much."

Li Shi looked at Shen Shi's ruddy expression, for some reason, she used to like Shen Shi's gentle temperament, not fighting or grabbing everything, but looking at it now, she was inexplicably bored.

"Sister and sister, please be polite. It's not easy for Xiang girl to be alone. Since she called me a godmother and asked me to help, it is naturally obligatory. I am different from my younger siblings. You are a fine person, well-educated. Sister-in-law, I am a careless countryman. Ladies, all you can do is rough work."

Shen Shi looked at Li Shi's fine cotton dress, matching her thick eyebrows and big eyes, it was refreshing.

The fingers are too thick, the color is dark red and rough, and it looks like a pair of hands that have been working all year round.

"Sister-in-law, don't underestimate yourself. We country people are suitable for the aura of sister-in-law in order to be able to hold back. On the contrary, I always feel a little uncomfortable."

"So, younger siblings are born rich and honored, and they are most suitable to be noble wives in the county's prefecture. They are with us rural women, but you have been wronged."

(End of this chapter)

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