Chapter 441

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

If a mother kneels down to her son, isn't she afraid that the father will lose his life?
"Your father severed ties with your maternal grandfather's family at that time, and forced your grandmother to sever ties with her natal family. Because of this, your grandmother hated and feared your father."

"...Later, your father considered Huixia's reputation and didn't want people around to look at her strangely, so he asked someone to find a guardian for your little aunt in a mountain village far away. That's your uncle. Although she is dumb, she is really a nice person, although her life is hard, fortunately no one knows what happened to her."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Uncle turned out to be a mute, no wonder he only looked at himself and smiled, and didn't speak.At that time, she thought that her uncle was just simple and honest, and he couldn't speak polite words, so it turned out that he couldn't speak.

"Seeing her today, to be honest, I was really surprised."

After Liu Shi finished speaking, she pressed the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, and let out a long breath.

The point of being depressed by Shen's anger in my heart also disappeared.Compared with Huixia's experience, this trivial matter is not worth mentioning.

"It's said that it's not that the whole family doesn't enter the house. Your grandmother admits death, and your mother is also now, ahem..."

Mrs. Li didn't pay attention, and said that she was bald, and looked at her dry daughter apologetically, with an embarrassed look on her face. After all, Mrs. Shen is also Xiangxiang's mother, and she was so stupid to say bad things about Mrs. Chen to her face.

"Godmother and I don't have to worry about anything, my mother really did something wrong. Today's incident also reminded me that my mother, as the mistress of the family, next time there is something at home, she should take full control of it, not every time Trouble godmother."

She can support and respect her own mother, but she can't cross her bottom line. This is her biggest concession.

And the grandmother's family, the more Bai Ningxiang heard it, the colder her heart became, the little aunt was grandmother's own daughter, for the sake of the third uncle's marriage, she was easily sacrificed just because of the third uncle's coquettish words?

For the sake of her natal family and other sons, she directly knelt down to her own son. Thinking of this, Bai Ningxiang suddenly understood why her grandmother hated Da Fang.

I also understand why she moved away quickly after her father passed away.

"No wonder grandma looked at me so disgustingly. When I saw my little aunt today, I finally understood. My eyes are very similar to my little aunt's and my father's."

"What looks like it is false, in the end I still feel ashamed."

Mrs. Li snorted, they were all her own sons and daughters, they were plotting against each other for this, and she said that she was reluctant to leave her natal nephew alone for the rest of her life, sorry for her natal family and so on.

What a brain pit.

After sending off the godmother, Bai Ningxiang stood alone under the big willow tree, suppressing all the emotions in her eyes.

It really surprised her, the Bai family is not a big family, at best it is just a small landlord with a small fortune, and they have hidden so many dirty things.

Grandma's demeanor really surprised her, isn't this what the little man said about helping his younger brother?

At that time, when the boy told her the story of helping her younger brother to help the devil, she still thought it was unbelievable, but now that the facts are in front of her eyes, it is too late.

"Miss Bai, are you in any trouble? Is there anything I can help you with?"

Just when Bai Ningxiang was distracted, she was suddenly interrupted by an abrupt voice.

Seeing Xu Maocheng who appeared out of nowhere, Bai Ningxiang looked at her coldly,
"Is Mr. Xu very idle? Or do you think that you are Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, who can save all living beings?"

(End of this chapter)

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