Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 443 I will work hard for myself

Chapter 443 I will work hard for myself

After the dispute was over, two people came out from behind the haystack not far away.

Bai Ningxue stood beside Xu Maokang, lowered her head, looking as if she had been wronged, "The big lady has always been like this, before I only knew that she was amazing, but I never knew that she looked down on my family so much. "

Xu Maokang looked at the big courtyard of Bai's family with a complicated expression, and reached out to pat Bai Ningxue's shoulder, "Don't worry, Xue'er, you have separated, and each of you lives your own life, as long as you don't interfere with each other."

It was also the first time today that he saw Bai Ningxiang so powerful that his younger brother was helpless. Although he was also a little angry in his heart, Miss Bai's last sentence was correct.

My younger brother is a scholar, so he should stay at home and study hard, instead of going out every day to wander around, and I don't know what he is busy with.

Listening to Xu Maokang's comfort, Bai Ningxue could only nod obediently,
"Brother Kang, I will listen to you. When we get married, I hope Brother Kang will always protect me as he does now. We will be able to live a happy life."

"Just don't worry, Xue'er. If you marry a man, marry a man, dress and eat, I will naturally perform my duties and make your life worry-free."

Xu Maokang looked at her drooping head, and the inadvertently exposed swan neck, white and slender, her face turned red, and her body unconsciously burst into dryness.

He was so frightened that he quickly turned his eyes away, and after a while, he cleared his throat.
"Xue'er, you came out once, go back quickly to save your father from worrying."

How could father be worried about her?Not to mention this moment, even if she doesn't go home for a whole day, no one will worry about her.

Thinking of this, Bai Ningxue pulled Xu Maokang's clothes violently, "Brother Kang, I want to find my mother, can you accompany me tomorrow?"


Xu Maokang looked at her pleading eyes, and couldn't bear to refuse, "Okay, I'll accompany you."

"Thank you Brother Kang, now you are the only one who treats me the best." With red eyes, Bai Ningxue threw herself into Xu Maokang's arms, and started to cry choked up.

Xu Maokang's whole body was stiff, he looked at his head lying on his chest with embarrassment, a faint fragrance burst into his nostrils, just for a moment, the dryness that had just been suppressed rushed out again.

"Xueer... Don't cry, Xueer, I promise to accompany you..." Xu Maocheng supported her shoulder, feeling a little at a loss for a while, the more anxious, the more irritable Headshot.

In the blink of an eye, there was already a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, and his head was covered with a soft body. When he came back to his senses, he had already hugged and kneaded her tightly for a while.

"Xueer... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

Xu Maokang blushed, and pushed the person out suddenly, and he was so scared that he took several steps back, he didn't dare to look into Bai Ningxue's eyes, for fear of seeing her disgusted eyes.

Bai Ningxue lowered her head, and gritted her teeth silently. Mother told her that when it comes to men, sometimes you have to give them sweet treats, and occasionally you have to play petty temper, so that men will be obedient to you.

"Brother don't need to apologize to me. We are already engaged. If you just want to do something to me, Xue'er...will not be angry with you."

After saying this, Bai Ningxue's entire face turned red, she glanced at him from time to time, and then quickly lowered her head, as if she had done something wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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