Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 445 Flying Needle Alignment

Chapter 445 Flying Needle Alignment
When Qiaoer looked at the trinkets in the box, her eyes lit up, "It's so beautiful."

Seeing her daughter's happy look, Bai Huixia turned her head to look into the box beside her, and quickly declined,

"Xiangxiang, it's too expensive and too much, Qiaoer can't use these."

Most of the ornaments in the box, more than half are silver ornaments, and a small amount of pearl flowers and silk flowers. All her family's property is added up, not so much.

"Little aunt, these are accessories from when I was a child, and I don't need them now, so I keep them as they are, just right for Qiaoer's age."

These things are all small things to her. They are the head flowers she wore when she was a child, the hair clips of the little bees, the hairpins of the little rabbits, the pearl flowers wrapped with yarn, etc., which are very suitable for Qiaoer now.

Bai Ningxiang put a silver bracelet with a bell on Qiao'er's wrist, shook it, and made a clear and pleasant knocking sound.

"Thank you cousin," Qiaoer stroked the bell on her wrist, her little face flushed.

"As long as you like it, these are for you, and you can wear them later."

Bai Ningxiang pinched her cheeks, got up and left, "By the way, aunt, I have sent Yun Ni and the others to catch up with work, and aunt and uncle will have a change of clothes tomorrow morning."

"Sister Xiang, don't bother me. My aunt won't be staying for a few days, so I'll pass by after a while. Besides, it's not suitable for sewing during the first month..."

Before the little aunt could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Bai Ningxiang,

"Auntie, follow expediency. Rules are dead, but people are alive. It doesn't take much to wear a few clothes."

Looking at her niece's west wing, Bai Huixia's eyes turned red. Sister Xiang, like her eldest brother, is someone who truly loves her.

Unfortunately, God is not fair.

Bai Ningxiang sat on the soft bed, watching Yun Ni and Bai Cha are busy, she picked up a small dress and sewed it up by herself. Although she hadn't sewed for a long time, her craftsmanship was still there.

"Girl, you haven't sewed for a long time, it's inevitable that you are unfamiliar, why don't you leave it to us?" Baicha held a bean-green muslin skirt in his hand, and was sealing the edges.

"How can I easily forget the skills I have learned?" Bai Ningxiang smiled. After trying a few stitches, the movements of her hands became faster and faster. In the end, several people saw her needle and thread flying, faster than the embroiderers in the embroidery room. All fast.

"Wow, girl, when did you practice such fast hand speed? It's amazing."

Not only Baicha, but even Yun Ni next to her couldn't help but be amazed. This technique will never be able to be practiced in 20 years. The girl is really talented when it comes to female celebrities.

"Talent is something that not everyone has." Yun Ni sighed and began to work with her head down.

Hearing the praise of the two, Bai Ningxiang smiled, what kind of talent, the more you do it, the more proficient you will be. In the past life and present life combined, after nearly 20 years of doing it, no matter how stupid you are, you will be able to practice it.

No woman in this dynasty, no matter if she was a farmer or an aristocrat, knew how to sew.

Especially for married women, they need to sew close-fitting underwear for their husbands. No one is willing to do these private tasks by others. Firstly, it shows the intimacy of husband and wife, and secondly, it is also the wife's duty.

No matter how busy she was in her previous life, she would spare time to do these things for Jiang Wenwen. It was only later that she found out that Tian Wanhua had cut all the clothes she made in private.

Jiang Wenxue didn't know anything about this, and thought he had neglected him, and was very dissatisfied.From time to time, in front of her, she praised Tian Wanhua's female worker for being good and caring for him.

(End of this chapter)

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