Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 457 is to wait until you collapse

Chapter 457 is to wait until you collapse
Before he could figure it out, the howling of wolves came from next to his ears, which seemed far away and seemed near, extremely terrifying.

Xu Maocheng opened his eyes suddenly, and the confusion in his mind disappeared. He looked at the surrounding scenery and heard the howling of wolves not far away, and he was completely dazed.

He was clearly resting in his bedroom, how could he run to the wilderness, and how could he be hung on a tree?

Whose prank is it?

After struggling for a few times, there was no sign of loosening at all, Xu Maocheng was a little flustered, and quickly looked around,

"Is anyone there? Who played the prank? Take Xiaosheng to the forest in the middle of the night? What if I get sick?"

Unfortunately, he yelled for a long time, but there was no response at all.

The night wind was gentle, carrying a slight cool air, and matched with the cool moonlight, the surroundings seemed even more abnormally quiet. Whenever there was a little wind and grass, it could be magnified to the limit.

After waiting for a while, still no one came out, Xu Maocheng couldn't help trembling in his heart, he opened his eyes in the middle of the night and arrived in the mountains and fields, he was bold enough not to cry out loud.

"Which friend is playing tricks on you? If you don't come out again, I will be angry?"


As a gust of wind blew up Xu Maocheng's white coat, he tried to open his eyes and looked around, wondering if it was his own illusion, he seemed to see a few green dots floating around not far away, staring faintly. look at yourself.

"Help, is there anyone?" Xu Maocheng has reached his limit now, especially seeing some green fluorescent spots, he is completely scared, can't it really be a pack of wolves?
He was hung upside down on the tree, except for the three steps that he could see, he couldn't see other places at all, and he didn't know where he was.


"Ah... is there anyone, let me down quickly."

Hearing the clearer and clearer howling of wolves, Xu Maocheng struggled non-stop, but the more he struggled, the more his body swayed. The rope didn't break free, but he shook his head dizzily.

Bai Ningxiang looked at Xu Maocheng's state, and couldn't help admiring. She didn't expect this bad boy to be quite courageous, and he didn't faint from fright.

"Girl, do you want to teach him a lesson first?" Ding Yang looked at him and shook the dagger in his hand.

"Let it hang out for a while, he is very courageous, and he won't tell the truth until he reaches the breaking point." Anyway, she was sitting and the other party was hanging, so she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to survive?

Bai Ningxiang looked at Xu Maocheng, feeling regretful, and forgot to borrow a big wolfhound from Zhao Xian. If there was a wolfhound below, she might be able to ask the answer soon.

The three master and servant sat behind the boulder and waited quietly until Xu Maocheng finally wailed.

"Help, help... I was wrong, help..."

Bai Ningxiang hooked the corner of her lower lip, and continued to wait until half of the time passed before Bai Ningxiang came out slowly.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Xu Maocheng tried to roll his eyes upwards, and vaguely saw two figures, "Who are you? Let me down."

"Heh~, you're all tied up, how could you be put down so easily?"

Yun Ni sneered, raised her foot and kicked him, watching him swinging on the tree, she immediately gave another coquettish smile.

"Dare to do bad things, will you be punished?"

I have to say that Xu Maocheng is really brave. When he saw someone coming out, he was much calmer than before.

"What do you mean, Xiaosheng doesn't understand."

 Five chapters today~
(End of this chapter)

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