Chapter 460

He obviously didn't want to laugh, but he couldn't control it, his chest was burning hot, even though he was choking, he was still laughing.

After making this discovery, Xu Maocheng was really scared.

The body is so uncomfortable that I am going to die, how can I remember what I have done?
Even if I think about it, I can't say it.

"If you don't want to say it, you can enjoy the itch, it will be very sour."

"Will you die laughing?"

Ding Yang looked at him dying of laughter, and asked kindly.

"You can't die in a short time, and you don't know if it takes a long time. After all, no one can last for half an hour."

Yun Ni touched her nose innocently, "It doesn't matter if you laugh to death, it's dark and windy this month, in the mountains and old forests, let alone one person, even ten people will not know."

"As for the government, haven't you heard a word? The yamen is open to the south, no one can come in without money, let alone this remote town of ours, who cares if one or two die?"

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

This girl is really good at fooling people.

Xu Maocheng listened to the conversation between the two, and tried to open his eyes to look at the surrounding scenery. He knew that at this moment, he finally started to panic and was completely scared. Are women so cruel now?

"Haha...have mercy on the heroine, I said, I said it all, don't make me die laughing, quack..."

Throat cracked~
"Quack... I accidentally knocked Bai Xiangan down a few days ago, causing him to sprain his feet, haha... I fooled Nan Xiaofei in the town with a set of the four treasures of the high-end study... Lied to Zhao Yubo with two classics... I got ignorant of Wang Yuepeng with a jade finger, haha... I know I was wrong, I will return them later, quack..."

"The last time I went out for a trip, I shouldn't have cheated and cheated without spending money. I took advantage of my companions, haha..."

Yun Ni: "I'll go, bastard."

"Death is worthless."

What kind of personality are these guys?
No lower limit.

That's it?I still want to be a scholar, even if I get lucky, it will be a disaster for the common people.

"Also, how did you frame your elder brother?"

Yun Ni is not interested in knowing about those deceitful little tricks, and the other party can be deceived by just this bit of knowledge, and it deserves it, so let's take it as a life experience.

Seeing that it was almost done, Yun Ni poked him twice more, but she still hasn't confessed, so stop laughing.

The creepy laughter stopped, but Xu Maocheng felt pain in every joint in his body.

It was as if someone had stabbed his flesh with a nail. From the top of the head to the toes, there was no pain anywhere.

" hurts so much, it hurts to death, please forgive me, I don't dare to do bad things anymore, I really know I was wrong."

In the blink of an eye, large beads of sweat appeared on Xu Maocheng's forehead, and fell into the grass tick-tock.

Ding Yang shook his arm, saw a flash of cold light, the rope hanging Xu Maocheng was cut off, the dagger spun around, and returned to Ding Yang's hand again.

Xu Maocheng fell headlong to the ground, but fortunately there was a piece of grass under him, if it was a rock layer, it might be opened.

Xu Maocheng curled up on the ground, rubbed his head and buttocks with his hands, and rolled on the ground in pain.

Compared with the pain of laughing just now, now the pain is so painful that I want to hit the wall.

"Ah, I don't want to die, I don't want to die..."

(End of this chapter)

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